Men's Grooming

The Scent of Sexy, It's Simpler Than We Thought

After exploring countless medicine cabinets of men world wide and interviewing men and women on what they think smells sexiest on a man I've come to an ultimate conclusion on the number one scent that exemplifies sexiness, and it's not surprisingly not that complicated. The theory – Men just want to smell fresh. Freshness gives them confidence and women find confidence sexy.

Now one can argue that they're attracted to men who wear sensuous colognes with spicy notes or perhaps muskier, manly scents.  I'm not going to argue with you, in fact my favorite cologne is John Varvatos Vintage, and yes it does have that turn-me-on effect.

At the end of the day the question is: Do we want to be turned onto the man or the scent?  Of course a scent can help any situation, but confidence is key.  Everything starts with freshness.

Man of the Moment: Benjamin

Ladies meet Benjamin, a 26 year old New Yorker who works as an editor at a publishing house.  Read on and you'll see he's quite the character!  And every time I feature a new Man of the Moment someone always asks, "Is he single?"  So yes, he is! What’s in your medicine cabinet?

Probably a lock of hair from the girl who last slept over, a picture of my mother, and my emergency stash of Alizé. Actually, though? Looks like some Tom’s of Maine toothpaste and deodorant, some type of hair gel for curly haired people (currently it appears to be made by Garnier Fructis), Kiehl’s face lotion, Vaseline for Men body lotion. Oh, and I hate cologne. It’s for people with crispy hair who use the word “classy.”

What product can’t you live without and why?

Hmmm is whisky a product? Because I’m pretty should that would be hard to live without. Also, I have a miniature Biggie Smalls figure that sits on my bookshelf, and he would be hard to part with. Can’t live without? I don’t know… soap? Toothpaste? Can anyone now live without that?

How would you describe your grooming habits?

“Grooming habits?” Am I cat? That brings me to a more important issue. Cats are awful. I’m a dog person. Particularly lazy, fat, all-white English Bulldogs.

Now be honest, how would a woman describe your grooming habits?

She’d probably say that I’m eerily similar to the Old Spice guy. In both looks and scent.

When prepping to go out on a date what are the three things you make sure you do?

Brush my teeth, shower, and make sure I’ve queued up enough Taio Cruz, Waka Flocka Flame, and Usher feat. Pitbull for a late night DP at my apartment, which I try to always keep stocked with a variety of drinks…you never know. [Note: DP = DanceParty.]

If you could have one night with any celebrity who would it be and why? More importantly, what would you do?

Myself. Next question. No, but this is so tricky because who knows how shallow and awful they’d actually be. I’m basing my choice of Mila Kunis off of how down to earth she seems in Forgetting Sarah Marshall. But then what if she turns out to drug me and drive me to kill myself like poor Natalie Portman. Okay, so scratch that. Let’s do a dead celebrity. I’m thinking Teddy Roosevelt. That guy took a bullet straight to his chest, didn’t flinch, then stood up and gave an hour long speech. Plus I heard he could do a sick Dougie.

What’s the first thing you notice about a woman?

It may sound crazy, but I always notice girls shoes. A sweet pair goes a long way. Doesn’t have to be heels, but just make sure they’re dope. Old Uggs in public make it look like you have two broken ankles. I get it, I know they’re super comfortable. But I don’t wear my old ass slippers out of the house. You shouldn’t either.

When it comes to a woman’s beauty what’s your sweet spot?

I don’t really have a type, but ambition (both intellectually and physically), humor, and adaptation are key. The last one may seem strange, but here’s what I mean: you should be able to schmooze at some cocktail party with me, and, say, Mike Bloomberg, one second, then be in high-top sneaks, rocking out to Lil Weezy the next.

Men Are Like Black and White Cookies

How many times have you over analyzed a text, conversation or relationship? Reading a message over and over, replaying the way he said "good night" or how he kissed you... sound familiar? We're guilty of it, but enough is enough. Wasting your time over analyzing men is one of the biggest mistakes we make.  Why? Because they're really not that difficult to read.

In all honesty ladies, men are like black and white cookies. If they want to see you, they'll see you.  If they want to call you, they'll call.  And if they want to commit, they will.  Plain and simple, men are black and white.

Think about the wasted energy you put into over analyzing and how you can utilize it elsewhere.  Chances are if he's not calling, making plans with you or committing, he's just not that into you.  So if you're still doing the above, don't waste another second of your time trying to make it seem like he is and you'll end up with someone who's worth your time.

More Men Seeking Plastic Surgery

When I hear people talking about someone getting plastic surgery nine times out of ten I automatically assume they're talking about a woman.  A nip and tuck here and there is so common these days it's almost like going for a cut and color.  Almost... However, it's not so safe to assume all of the nips and tucks are being done on women.  According to recent statistics released by the American Society of Plastic Surgery, facelifts for men increased a whopping 14% in 2010. Liposuction, too, is on the rise with men, increasing a respectable 7%.

Reason for the spike?  Competition in the workplace.  So it's not just us women who have to look the part to play the part.  Interesting.  Instead of focusing on their youth and detailing every line and wrinkle, men have been looking to their jawlines for a quick fix.

Man of the Moment, Jeremy

Hi BeautySweetSpot readers!  I have a new 'Man of the Moment' for you this week, Jeremy, 33, from  Boston but lives in NYC.  He's in Digital Marketing and loves to swim, fish, boat and lift weights... yes, he's single.  He's the type of guy who chooses Angelina Jolie over Jennifer Aniston, but if he were to take any celeb out on a date he'd choose Teresa Palmer.  Check him out: What's in your medicine cabinet?

A wide assortment of Chanel men’s products: Platinum Egoiste deodorant, Platinum Egoiste bath and shower gel, Allure Homme Sport hair and body wash, Pour Monsieur after shave moisturizer, Men’s Lab products: Mulit-action face wash, Invigorating face scrub, Power wash, Power protector SPF 50, and Tend Skin.

I’ve been a big Chanel products fan since receiving a gift set in college for the holidays. As a guy, I get told I smell often, so it’s worth it. Men’s Lab makes quality products; I especially like using the face scrub before shaving and use the Power protector w/SPF 50 daily including as a sunscreen during the summer.

What product can’t you live without and why?

Chanel Platinum Egoiste deodorant. I have these hidden away all over the place (gym bag, bedroom, medicine cabinet. etc) and buy several at one time. I’ve used this product for so long I can’t imagine not having it. I’m a creature of habit.

How would you describe your grooming habits?

Despite the long list of fancy metro sexual products, I consider myself to be a low maintenance guy. On a typical day, I jump in the shower, slather myself up with one of the body wash’s from head to toe, floss, brush my teeth, rub some moisturizer on my face and I’m off 5 min later.

Now be honest, how would a woman describe your grooming habits?

Kind of impressed. I’ve had some help along the way from past girlfriends. The Chanel products seem to be a crowd pleaser.

When prepping to go out on a date what are the three things you make sure you do?

Shave, mouthwash, and get a little more diligent with the body wash.

If you could have one night with any celebrity who would it be and why?  More importantly, what would you do?

Teresa Palmer. She’s incredibly beautiful, she has an Australian accent, and in the trailer for “I am Number 4” she’s kicking ass in a black leather jump suit and walking away from explosions without looking behind. I would spend a day with her on Cape Cod, boating to the Vineyard, biking around the island, eating lobster rolls, and lying on the beach until the sun went down.

What’s the first thing you notice about a woman?

Am I seeing her for the first time from the back or front? Nothing trumps a pretty face.

When it comes to a woman’s beauty what’s your sweet spot?

Good skin and toned arms.

AXE is Tempting Me Again with Excite, Plus A Giveaway

You all know I'm a huge fan of AXE scents and it just so happens that my boyfriend, Joe, is too. Therefore, when I first heard that they were coming out with a new scent called Excite, he was the first person I called and we put the new collection to the test. Being a dedicated user of AXE in Leather, Joe's open to experimenting with new products from brands that are familiar to him.  I'm a lucky girl! So were the results as dramatic as the commercials?  Did he spritz it and find me running over to him from the other room to tackle him?  No, but as AXE says, it did "make the nice girl sin when tempted."

This new collection is more woody than the rest and blends notes of coconut, hazelnut and caramel.  It's not out on drugstore shelves until June, but I'm giving away 3 sets of the collection to 3 BeautySweetSpot readers!  Read on for deets on how to win:

Comment below by telling me what tempts you about your man and RT the givewaway on Twitter.  My handle is @BeautySweetSpot.

I'll announce the winner under the comments section here on April 30th.  Good Luck!

*Note: This is a sponsored post, but my actions and opinions are true.

Introducing the Man-i-Cure

Last week I received a press release for a Man-i-cure from the first OPI Concept Salon called the Rob|B Salon in Studio City, CA.  It caught my attention not only because I love writing about men and grooming, but because I've been wanting my boyfriend, Joe to get a man-i-cure and pedi with me for quite some time and he wants nothing to do with it. The man-i-cure break down:

  • Cleansing – the first step to any manicure (male or female) is soaking and cleaning the nails. This is important because dirt, bacteria and illness causing germs can live underneath the nail and this is a great way to rid your fingers of this.
  • Shaping – ideal for keeping each nail looking uniform and a great way to rid the nails of rough edges, hangnails, rips and tears.  A must have step for men who want their nails to look even.
  • Cuticle work – cuticle care and maintenance help build the overall health of the fingers and nails but is very often overlooked by men. The cuticle needs to be hydrated and properly nourished so that it can promote a healthy nail bed.
  • Hand care – exfoliation treatments such as sugar scrubs are an effective and easy way to get rid of rough skin leaving behind a much smoother hand.  Hydrating lotions are also applied to moisturize the hands so that they become much softer.
  • Nail Buffing – designed to completely smooth out the nail and offer a low shine, this step leaves the nail looking extremely healthy.

I think it's important for men to keep up their hands!  What do you think of men getting manis?

Man of the Moment: Tim

Ladies, meet Tim, a 27 year old cutie from Hoboken, NJ.  He's a VP Portfolio Manager and loves to play ice hockey, go to the gym and snowboard.  And yes – he's single! What’s in your medicine cabinet?

  1. Gillette Mach 3 Razor- no cuts, no crying, smooth every time…. Just like me, lol.
  2. Neutrogena After Shave Balm
  3. Neutrogena Face Lotion with SPF 15- Look Young, Live YOUNG!
  4. Degree for Men Deodorant- keeps you cool in the hottest of situations
  5. John Varvatos Cologne- My little secret (not so much anymore I guess) but remember smell is the #1 sense tied to memory… the ladies love it and they always come back for more.

What product can’t you live without and why?

Most products I can go without, but a toothbrush is a must have. Your breath can turn south at any moment  (food, coffee, morning breath, etc.) and who knows when your lady wants to get intimate or if you are going to meet your next big client. The last thing you need is your breath barking something nasty.

How would you describe your grooming habits?

I’m a clean cut guy… clean shave, clean cut hair and well dressed (clean those shoes). A shape up (haircut) normally happens every 2-3 weeks and I try for a straight razor shave (if you can find a barber in NJ with the license). Keep those lines tight, just like your game.

My people at The Hoboken Man ( take care of the basics for me, even a clean up between haircuts. I think the ladies appreciate and see effort in a well-kept man. It shows discipline and self-worth.

Now be honest, how would a woman describe your grooming habits?

All the ladies in my life, past and present, I think would agree, that I always smell good and I keep it fresh!

When prepping to go out on a date what are the three things you make sure you do?

1. Shower up!

2. The secret weapon- a dash of cologne--- A little Johnnie V. to get lucky!

3. A RESERVATION- you need to have a good game plan. Don’t even tell her, make it a surprise, but make it good and make it count!

If you could have one night with any celebrity who would it be and why?  More importantly, what would you do?

Male Celeb: Some guys may think Tom Brady, because lets be honest, he is the man (Super Bowls and Supermodels), but I would like to spend a day with Leo DeCaprio. The lady-killer himself, hasn’t had a boring day in his life. We’d probably just hop on a jet to some crazy island party and rock out… Talk about a wingman, this dude nails down the women in his sleep haha.

Female Celeb: Mila Kunis….for obvious reasons. This woman is a complete smoke show. I’d like to shop-hop with this one. Close down a few stores and let her get her fashion on. Seriously, what chick wouldn’t like that? She seems like she is a good time no matter what. Later on our date, we would get those endorphins and adrenaline pumping at the gun range (, Now that’s something to get her excited in all sorts of ways! Now that the momentum has been built the night is only going to get better from there…  Hopefully she sees this and I get a call next week to implement the plan!

What’s the first thing you notice about a woman?

I’m going to be honest. I look at 4 things right off the bat. Top to bottom-

1. Eyes- The gateway to the soul. Evil or Angel?

2. Smile- I’m a funny guy so the smile comes out a lot.

3. Boobs- Big isn’t always better, but no one is going to complain about some big bombs.

4. Bootie- A girl’s bootie can tell me a lot. Good in bed, yes or no? Healthy, yes or no? Athletic, yes or no? That’s why boobs aren’t such a big item in my book.

When it comes to a woman’s beauty what’s your sweet spot?

All women are beautiful in their own way, but it’s a combination of book and streets smarts that hits my sweetspot. Intelligent, confident and ambitious women are what I look for. I know one day she is going to manage her own business or even our awesome family.

Undateable: The Grooming Version

Lately I've been hooked on VHI1's Undateable.  It's so amusing that I've watched it fully once this week and since they've been showing it over and over, I have it on in the background when I'm blogging or getting ready to go out.  It lays out what makes a man undateable such as: pinkie rings, snakeskin shoes, bandannas, cell phone belt clips and types of flair that men rock (Neil Strauss calls this peacocking in his book The Game) to get attention or make them feel important.

I think being undateable goes way beyond peacocking.  It all starts with grooming.  Here's my list of what makes a guy undateable from head to toe and yes, everywhere in between if you know what I mean.

  1. If the subject has a uni-brow or brows waxed to perfection he is undateable. There is no excuse for a uni-brow.  If there was a woman in his life at some point, she would have helped him take care of this situation.  So chances are, he looks stupid and  has no clue about women.  Or maybe he actually likes it.  Don't barbers normally do something about those?  Guido brows are a no, no.  This normally signifies that he'll always be more prim and proper than you are in every way.  Undateable.
  2. If the subject has dirty fingernails he is undateable. Dirt underneath the nails, bitten cuticles and uneven (ouch) bitten nails equals unsanitary.   I'm not saying all men should be lining up for weekly manicures, but the way they take care of their hands often signifies how they like to represent themselves.
  3. If the subject takes longer than you to get ready he is undateable. Ladies, do you really want to sit around and wait to go out while Romeo primps?  Ew, no.  Undateable.  Shit, shower and shave.  He's a man.
  4. If the subject doesn't understand how to maintain the land down under he is undateable. You know what I'm talking about.  Trim?  Shave?  They need to do what they have to do, but neatness is necessary.  This is 2010 and you know you're keeping it up so why shouldn't he?  No one wants to get lost in the forest while trying to find the goods.
  5. If the subject wears a "wool sweater" year long he is undateable. Yes, they're out there... men with hairy chests, shoulders and backs.  Their body surrenders to the hair and they accept it!  Not OK. There is no excuse for anyone to be that hairy or close to it.  Men, I'm not saying to go wax your body, but severe maintenance is necessary.  Do you really think a girl wants to run her hand on your chest and get tangles in your nappy hair?
  6. If the subject's toe nails scratch you between the sheets he is undateable. It's as simple as a toe nail clipper.  Please.

So ladies, watch out for these types of men.  For some you may be able to tell if they're undateable right away. Others may surprise you as you get more intimate, but hey, it's all part of the dating game. Right? I'd love to hear your thoughts... what else makes a man undateable?

The Man Manipulation

It's funny how when you "fall in love" the man of your dreams can have a sense of control over your mind making the powerful woman you once were into a complete stranger to yourself.

I recently read an article in the New York Post about Mr. Ballerina, Mario Lopez and his obsession with fitness.  He admitted to being so into of his own physical condition that he morphed his girlfriend, Courtney Mazza, into what he condsidered to be perfect as well.  Now, Courtney has breast implants and works with a personal trainer everyday.

Talk about mind and body manipulation!  The sad part is that it's not just a fitness addicted want-to-be star like Mario Lopez who has the ability to do this to a woman.  It's all men and it's happening to lots of women.  One of my friends ex boyfriends told her he never wanted her in flats, and she listened, for a minute. Until she made him her ex.  Who do these men think they are?  Another was told she was the heaviest girl he ever dated (weighing in at 110 lbs.).  Two months later, she was 92 lbs.

Ladies, be aware or the man manipulation.  What do you think of Mario Lopez morphing his girlfriend?

Man of the Week

Ladies, meet Michael, a 25 year New Yorker who works in bond sales.  His grooming habits consists of a cold beer, head massage and a hair cut.  Sounds like this guy likes to be pampered as much as he likes to party. What’s in your medicine cabinet?

Well, not medicine.  Pretty simple stuff… Old Spice shaving cream & deodorant, Listerine, hair gel.  I also have two colognes: Burberry Brit and Chrome Azzaro.  I get next to no compliments when I wear the Brit, but Chrome has attracted any and all types of women from friends to randoms to even college professors.  It’s great.

What product can’t you live without and why?

That’s pretty easy.  Gel would be tough, but if a guy didn’t have shaving cream we’d all look pretty dirty.  Except for my friends that are still growing peach fuzz.

How would you describe your grooming habits?

I shower regularly if that’s what you mean.  (Irish Spring soap for those wondering.)  If you mean down there, no more than once or twice a week.  Once regularly, but if there’s a party at a bar or something I’ll probably do it twice just to make sure.

I get my haircut about once a month (free plug: Esquires of Wall St. – 14 Wall St. NY, NY).  It sounds gaudy and over-the-top I know, but it’s the best barber shop out there.  Free cold beer, hot towel, and a head massage (don’t knock it till you try it fellas) at a cheap price.  For me, keeping your hair clean-cut goes a long way.

Have you ever gotten a manicure or pedicure?

No I haven’t.  I’m not really sure why any guy would, but maybe I just don’t know.  If there was a girl that I thought was cute that wanted to take me I wouldn’t say no.  I’d like to think I’ll try everything once.

If you could have one night with any celebrity who would it be and why?  More importantly, what would you do?

Well that depends on what you mean by “night”.  A “night” would probably be with Bar Refaeli.  Prettiest girl in the game.  I would take her on a private jet and fly west, time zone to time zone, so the night lasted twice as long.  And if I were awarded this night, my product I can’t live without (from question #2) would change to Trojan Extended Pleasure Condoms.  Because let’s be honest.  Bar Refaeli.

Other than that, I want to have dinner with Barack Obama.  He’s a guy that really knows how to hone his talents.  I could probably learn a lot from him.

What’s the first thing you notice about a woman?

Her style.  A pretty girl is a dime a dozen in New York.  We all have our type and I notice a girl’s style right away.  If I like it, I’m interested.  If not, I move on to the next one.

Do you prefer a woman au naturel or all made up?

I think the right answer is au naturel.  I personally like it when girls get all done up.  There is a difference between a girl who is pretty and a girl who is hot.  Girls who are hot can get all made up and make you look twice.  And you gotta love that.

How about down there?

If I’m doing it at least once a week, she better be too.

When it comes to a woman’s beauty what’s your sweet spot?

A girl’s smile.  I’m not elaborating on that because I can’t really describe what it is that I like about a girl’s smile.  I just know there are very few things that can make a guy weak and for me, that is one of them.

Spanx for Men... No Lie

Single ladies be aware... Spanx recently launched a line of shape wear for men that can make his beer belly temporarily disappear.  Imagine dating a guy who wore Spanx all of the time and you didn't know until it was time to get busy? However, what can be a nightmare for single ladies may be God's gift to married women.  Yes, he was fit when you married him... until he got "comfortable."  Spanx just may be the answer!

I know I may sound like a hippocrate here, because I encourage you ladies to get your Spanx on if you wish, but I just cannot handle this!

What are your thoughts about men in Spanx?

Man of the Week

Ladies, meet Mike, a 27 year-old attorney from Edison, NJ.  This Italian Stallion's grooming habits are pretty low-maintence, but he does have well groomed nails thanks to the "magic shine buffer" sold at the mall.  

What’s in your medicine cabinet?

My medicine cabinet has the standard items one would expect including body soap, shampoo, face wash, hair gel, and various colognes. I wouldn't say that I use one particular brand. I like to try new brands. I just recently switched from gel deodorant to spray and I think I will stick with the spray. 

What product can’t you live without and why? 

I would say the product I can't live without is hair gel. If I went without gel my hair would be crazy. Recently I have been using Studio by L'Oreal. I like it because it holds throughout the day and doesn't make my hair too hard.

How would you describe your grooming habits?

My grooming habits are fairly normal I would say. I shower and shave daily. I try to get a hair cut every three weeks. Everything else is done on an as needed basis.

Have you ever gotten a manicure or pedicure? Why or why not?

No, I have never gotten a manicure or a pedicure. To be completely honest with you, I didn't know that men did this until a couple of year ago. I guess the reason I have not gone, and most likely will not go, is that I just cannot picture myself sitting in a salon getting a manicure and/or pedicure.

If you could have one night with any celebrity who would it be and why?  More importantly, what would you do?

If I could spend one night with a celebrity it would have to be Giada De Laurentiis. She just seems like the perfect woman. As far as what we woul do I would want to cook a meal together with her, eat it outdoors somewhere, and drink wine all night.

What’s the first thing you notice about a woman?   

The first thing I notice about a woman are her eyes. You can tell a lot about a person from their eyes or the way they look at you. Sometimes the eyes can also tell you what kind of person she is.

Do you prefer a woman au naturel or all made up? 

This question would depend on where we were going. I like a woman who enjoys getting all dressed and made up for a night out, but I also want someone that feels comfortable enough to go au naturel and just watch a movie in jeans and a sweatshirt.

How about down there? 

Like I said earlier, I consider my grooming habits pretty standard for a man. Everything that needs to be done is done. I think that a woman should to the same. Saying this, I prefer if a woman is completely bare or neatly groomed down there.

When it comes to a woman’s beauty what’s your sweet spot?

When it comes to a woman's beaty my sweet spots are her eyes and her confidence. A lot of a woman's beauty comes from how she carries herself.

Final Voting Days...

BeautySweetSpot's 2009 Man of the Year will be announced on January 1st and his fate is in your hands! Bobby D. and John have been battling neck and neck with thousands of votes each.  The polls cut off on midnight on New Years Eve, so as you're popping bottles of champagne, someone is being crowned!

Besides the title, which is awesome enough, the Man of the Year will win a ton of AXE products.  Click on the names below to see their full Man of the Week interviews. 


Bobby D.

Stats: 26, single, can't live with out baby powder for "the boys down there."


Stats: 27, single, loves the compliments he receives on his cologne, some call the scent "heavenly."


Stats: 25, taken, believes his Curve cologne helps him make a nice entrance into a room.


Stats: 27, single, avoids razor burn by using the Braun Series 7 self cleaning electric razor.


Stats: 29, single, invests in taking care of his skin with Fresh After-Shave Lotion.

Do you know a sexy, successful man who would make a great Man of the Week for 2010?  Send me your nominations!  Email [email protected].