man of the moment

Man of the Moment: Justin

Ladies, I'm bring you a man all the way from China!  That's right, "Man of the Moment" just went global.  Meet Justin, a Language Learning Director who currently resides in Shanghai.  I have to thank my friend Amber of BeautyBloggingJunkie for nominating him, because like her blog, he's entertaining yet informative.  Read on – his date prep rant won't disappoint! What’s in your medicine cabinet?

My supplies are suffering at the moment due to the China relocation, but I have been a big fan of Kiehl’s shaving products, especially their camphor infused brushless shaving cream.  Their Eye Alert was a staple for me back when I worked the restaurant circuit in Boston and got few quality sleeping hours.  I’m into after-shave balms with SPF because who isn’t wearing sunscreen these days, maybe guys in Seattle, but the rest of us should.  Razors are strictly Gillette’s current Fusion Pro Glide.  My stock of Aveda’s Pure Performance grooming clay is tapped out until I can hit the Shanghai department store, so I’m surviving on American Crew’s Fiber.  St. Ives Apricot Scrub is a fantastic product.  I’m a light sleeper, so I definitely dig Valerian root or melatonin before bed in lieu of a third glass of wine.  Trader Joe’s chewable melatonin is great.  Nobody wants to look tired.

When prepping to go out on a date what are the three things you make sure you do?

Clean your apartment and I’m not talking folding your clothes and throwing them on the bed.  I mean get down and dirty.  Call me a fan of foreshadowing, but there’s nothing I hate more than getting all the way through the front door to see a disaster.  I don’t care how good she looks in the dress, if her place is a mess that speaks volumes.  Secondly, read something, listen to something, have some fresh content in your mind so that you can hold a conversation for more than five minutes.  If you go as far as David Sedaris and prepare topics on index cards I will laugh at first and then probably congratulate you.  I can’t bear people who rely on spontaneity as their only conversational tool.  Lastly, scout your spots.  Have your preferences and favorites on hand.  I’m no fan of aimless wandering unless I’m in some Parisian fantasy novel and it’s 1928.  I like plans, with people who know the territory.  I like people who know the good menu items, who know an interesting street in their old neighborhood, and who even know some bartender out there that will save a couple seats for us after a film.  Plans and preparation.  Simple.

If you could have one night with any celebrity who would it be and why?  More importantly, what would you do?

If this is a trick question and I’m supposed to choose someone from Esquire’s “Women We Love” column, I’m not falling for it.  Celebrities are people with influence and I’d rather spend a night with people who could change my way of thinking, improve my station, or connect me with something extraordinary.  This is not a beautiful people question, is it?  I’d like to have dinner with Bill Maher or Craig Ferguson and whatever interesting ladies they’re willing to bring along.  At least the conversation will be rowdy.

Jennifer Aniston or Angelina Jolie?  Why?

Jolie’s got content written all over her.  She’s a working mom with political and humanitarian interests along with a husband who also has his hands in some great projects.  Acting, whatever, it’s just her trade.   I’ve said my piece on this.  They’re both very attractive women, but Aniston’s got nothing on tiger mom and her at-home United Nations of a family.

What’s your guiltiest pleasure?

Whole Foods or any abundance of fresh produce and cooking materials gives me a buzz.  Be it a specialty cheese/chocolate shop or a farmer’s market selling basil plants and honey.  I will stop dead in my tracks for ingredients, knives, or a sweet gas range in a shop window.

Man of the Moment: Ryan

Ladies, meet my new "Man of the Moment," Ryan from Brooklyn, NY. He's a 24 year old musician who's also into drawing, fitness and "reading from time to time" and loves a girl with a full head of curly hair, which I think is awesome.  Read on to find out more... What’s in your medicine cabinet?

Crest toothpaste, whitestrips and the most expensive non-electric toothbrush I can find.  That’s one thing I've always splurged on. Old Spice "Playmaker" deodorant and Burberry cologne (that’s been my staple for a while now, might switch it up soon though).  I've always got some kind of sauce to throw in my hair too but that switches up a lot too.

 What product can’t you live without and why?

That's gotta be the toothbrush.  I’m an avid brusher and always try to have a dope one in the cabinet, can't stand the dollar store style brushes.  We do so much everyday with our mouths, gotta keep it clean.

How would you describe your grooming habits?             

About as good as they can be.  I've always made time to keep up on my grooming, it's definitely a big part of my day to day.

Now be honest, how would a woman describe your grooming habits?             

I'm gonna stand by this one... having good hygiene is something that only I have control over, so I always find the time.  Plus, being fresh and clean just makes for a better more confident day.

When prepping to go out on a date what are the three things you make sure you do? 

All the bathroom stuff: Shower, Brush Teeth, Cologne.  Hands down.  Make sure my debit cards in my wallet (I know it's 2011 but I still like to pay).  Plan something fun... dinner and a movie bores the hell out of me, gotta keep it interesting.

If you could have one night with any celebrity who would it be and why? More importantly, what would you do? 

It would be easy for me to throw out a crush like Meagan Good and say the obvious... but if I could have one night to hang out with a celebrity it would probably be Kanye West.  I just want to pick his brain and try to absorb some of the passion he has for what he does.  I'm definitely passionate about my craft but someday I want to be as committed, to the things I believe in, as he is.

What’s the first thing you notice about a woman? 

Hair.  I love big curly hair.  It can make me look twice at someone I normally might not find attractive just cause they've got a big mess of hair going on.

When it comes to a woman’s beauty what’s your sweet spot?

Physically, it would be legs... gets me every time.  But I love a woman with a big heart, that's the most beautiful thing about a woman for me.  Someone who roots for the underdog, someone who truly cares about other people and put's others needs ahead of her own.

Man of the Moment: Justin

Ladies, meet Justin, a 30 year old from LA who's a Co-Owner of SmokeStik (the company that makes electric cigs, gotta love smoking alternatives).  Naturally a Lakers fan, he's quite the athlete himself and enjoys surfing, boxing, running and hiking. Check out what he has to say about his grooming habits and guilty pleasures. What’s in your medicine cabinet?

Cor face soap (I am addicted to it), Neutrogena shaving gel, Neutrogena after shave lotion, Cor eye cream, Visine, and Perry Ellis Night cologne.

What product can’t you live without and why?

Cor face soap is magic for your face.  All of my guy friends are addicted to it.  Your face feels so smooth and clean and I swear I look younger every time I use it.

How would you describe your grooming habits?

I am very need and clean cut.  I don’t like a lot of body hair.  I usually shower twice a day just because I hate feeling dirty.  I usually have scruff on my face but I keep it neat.

Now be honest, how would a woman describe your grooming habits?

I think any women would describe me as an neat freak (or even anal).  Besides my personal grooming I keep my room, car, and kitchen spotless.  My bathroom sink area is the only thing I have difficulty with.

When prepping to go out on a date what are the three things you make sure you do?

Apply Cor face cream, use mouth wash, and a put on some Perry Ellis Night (not too much just enough to smell good).

If you could have one night with any celebrity who would it be and why?  More importantly, what would you do?

Well I love blondes but my go to celebrity has always been Rachel Bilson.  She has great style, a quirky personality, and a cute petite body.  I think she is so cute and would be a very fun date.  Not to mention very sexy!  One of my new favorite date spots is The Malibu Winery off Kanan Cyn in Malibu.  You can bring your own picnic and they have live music on the weekends.  The scenery is out of this world…and wine by the bottle.  There are picnic tables or you can set up your own area on the grass.  I think Rachel and I could have a very romantic time here.  Do I need to say more?!

What’s the first thing you notice about a woman?

I love blondes so usually the hair.  Up close I love beautiful eyes.  I can stare into gorgeous eyes all night and not get tired of it.

What’s your guiltiest pleasure?

Red Wine…it’s the Italian in me.  I love it so much!  I am really trying to cut back…I really am but a great glass of pinot noir makes me love the world.

Man of the Moment: Benjamin

Ladies meet Benjamin, a 26 year old New Yorker who works as an editor at a publishing house.  Read on and you'll see he's quite the character!  And every time I feature a new Man of the Moment someone always asks, "Is he single?"  So yes, he is! What’s in your medicine cabinet?

Probably a lock of hair from the girl who last slept over, a picture of my mother, and my emergency stash of Alizé. Actually, though? Looks like some Tom’s of Maine toothpaste and deodorant, some type of hair gel for curly haired people (currently it appears to be made by Garnier Fructis), Kiehl’s face lotion, Vaseline for Men body lotion. Oh, and I hate cologne. It’s for people with crispy hair who use the word “classy.”

What product can’t you live without and why?

Hmmm is whisky a product? Because I’m pretty should that would be hard to live without. Also, I have a miniature Biggie Smalls figure that sits on my bookshelf, and he would be hard to part with. Can’t live without? I don’t know… soap? Toothpaste? Can anyone now live without that?

How would you describe your grooming habits?

“Grooming habits?” Am I cat? That brings me to a more important issue. Cats are awful. I’m a dog person. Particularly lazy, fat, all-white English Bulldogs.

Now be honest, how would a woman describe your grooming habits?

She’d probably say that I’m eerily similar to the Old Spice guy. In both looks and scent.

When prepping to go out on a date what are the three things you make sure you do?

Brush my teeth, shower, and make sure I’ve queued up enough Taio Cruz, Waka Flocka Flame, and Usher feat. Pitbull for a late night DP at my apartment, which I try to always keep stocked with a variety of drinks…you never know. [Note: DP = DanceParty.]

If you could have one night with any celebrity who would it be and why? More importantly, what would you do?

Myself. Next question. No, but this is so tricky because who knows how shallow and awful they’d actually be. I’m basing my choice of Mila Kunis off of how down to earth she seems in Forgetting Sarah Marshall. But then what if she turns out to drug me and drive me to kill myself like poor Natalie Portman. Okay, so scratch that. Let’s do a dead celebrity. I’m thinking Teddy Roosevelt. That guy took a bullet straight to his chest, didn’t flinch, then stood up and gave an hour long speech. Plus I heard he could do a sick Dougie.

What’s the first thing you notice about a woman?

It may sound crazy, but I always notice girls shoes. A sweet pair goes a long way. Doesn’t have to be heels, but just make sure they’re dope. Old Uggs in public make it look like you have two broken ankles. I get it, I know they’re super comfortable. But I don’t wear my old ass slippers out of the house. You shouldn’t either.

When it comes to a woman’s beauty what’s your sweet spot?

I don’t really have a type, but ambition (both intellectually and physically), humor, and adaptation are key. The last one may seem strange, but here’s what I mean: you should be able to schmooze at some cocktail party with me, and, say, Mike Bloomberg, one second, then be in high-top sneaks, rocking out to Lil Weezy the next.

Man of the Moment: Tim

Ladies, meet Tim, a 27 year old cutie from Hoboken, NJ.  He's a VP Portfolio Manager and loves to play ice hockey, go to the gym and snowboard.  And yes – he's single! What’s in your medicine cabinet?

  1. Gillette Mach 3 Razor- no cuts, no crying, smooth every time…. Just like me, lol.
  2. Neutrogena After Shave Balm
  3. Neutrogena Face Lotion with SPF 15- Look Young, Live YOUNG!
  4. Degree for Men Deodorant- keeps you cool in the hottest of situations
  5. John Varvatos Cologne- My little secret (not so much anymore I guess) but remember smell is the #1 sense tied to memory… the ladies love it and they always come back for more.

What product can’t you live without and why?

Most products I can go without, but a toothbrush is a must have. Your breath can turn south at any moment  (food, coffee, morning breath, etc.) and who knows when your lady wants to get intimate or if you are going to meet your next big client. The last thing you need is your breath barking something nasty.

How would you describe your grooming habits?

I’m a clean cut guy… clean shave, clean cut hair and well dressed (clean those shoes). A shape up (haircut) normally happens every 2-3 weeks and I try for a straight razor shave (if you can find a barber in NJ with the license). Keep those lines tight, just like your game.

My people at The Hoboken Man ( take care of the basics for me, even a clean up between haircuts. I think the ladies appreciate and see effort in a well-kept man. It shows discipline and self-worth.

Now be honest, how would a woman describe your grooming habits?

All the ladies in my life, past and present, I think would agree, that I always smell good and I keep it fresh!

When prepping to go out on a date what are the three things you make sure you do?

1. Shower up!

2. The secret weapon- a dash of cologne--- A little Johnnie V. to get lucky!

3. A RESERVATION- you need to have a good game plan. Don’t even tell her, make it a surprise, but make it good and make it count!

If you could have one night with any celebrity who would it be and why?  More importantly, what would you do?

Male Celeb: Some guys may think Tom Brady, because lets be honest, he is the man (Super Bowls and Supermodels), but I would like to spend a day with Leo DeCaprio. The lady-killer himself, hasn’t had a boring day in his life. We’d probably just hop on a jet to some crazy island party and rock out… Talk about a wingman, this dude nails down the women in his sleep haha.

Female Celeb: Mila Kunis….for obvious reasons. This woman is a complete smoke show. I’d like to shop-hop with this one. Close down a few stores and let her get her fashion on. Seriously, what chick wouldn’t like that? She seems like she is a good time no matter what. Later on our date, we would get those endorphins and adrenaline pumping at the gun range (, Now that’s something to get her excited in all sorts of ways! Now that the momentum has been built the night is only going to get better from there…  Hopefully she sees this and I get a call next week to implement the plan!

What’s the first thing you notice about a woman?

I’m going to be honest. I look at 4 things right off the bat. Top to bottom-

1. Eyes- The gateway to the soul. Evil or Angel?

2. Smile- I’m a funny guy so the smile comes out a lot.

3. Boobs- Big isn’t always better, but no one is going to complain about some big bombs.

4. Bootie- A girl’s bootie can tell me a lot. Good in bed, yes or no? Healthy, yes or no? Athletic, yes or no? That’s why boobs aren’t such a big item in my book.

When it comes to a woman’s beauty what’s your sweet spot?

All women are beautiful in their own way, but it’s a combination of book and streets smarts that hits my sweetspot. Intelligent, confident and ambitious women are what I look for. I know one day she is going to manage her own business or even our awesome family.

Man of the Moment: Dan

Ladies, let me introduce you to Dan, a 26 year-old accountant from Long Branch, NJ who describes his relationship status as "in it for the long haul."  What a guy!  And I know his girlfriend, lucky lady!  He loves sports, fantasy football, exercise, outdoor activities, going to the beach and hanging out with buddies.  Here's a sneak peek inside his medicine cabinet and mind:

What’s in your medicine cabinet?

I don’t have a medicine cabinet, but if I did this is what would be put in it:  Old Spice High Endurance Deodorant, Palmer's Cocoa Butter Formula Lotion, Gillette Shaving Gel, Colgate Toothpaste, Burberry Cologne and after shave

What product can’t you live without and why?

Old Spice High Endurance Deodorant – for a guy that’s constantly moving, I need a deodorant that will last and Old Spice is the best there is.

How would you describe your grooming habits?

I’m very simple when it comes to grooming. I’m definitely only a soap, deodorant and cologne kind of guy. But I always like to keep it neat and clean shaven.

Now be honest, how would a woman describe your grooming habits?

Well, I’m always told by my girlfriend that I smell good, so I would say I’m doing okay in the grooming/hygiene department.

When prepping to go out on a date what are the three things you make sure you do?

Shower, shave and brush my teeth!

If you could have one night with any celebrity who would it be and why?  More importantly, what would you do?

Model, Marissa Miller, because she is smoking hot and the Spokesperson for Captain Morgan. That’s a winning combination in my book! Not to sound cliché, but I would take her out to dinner overlooking the beach and then maybe just stroll along the water with hopefully some good conversation.

What’s the first thing you notice about a woman?

Facial features, especially hair and eyes.

When it comes to a woman’s beauty what’s your sweet spot?

Personality, good skin and…her butt!

Now for your preferences:

On her…

Heels or flats: heels, im 6’3”

Au naturel or all done up: Au naturel

Lingerie or in the nude: hmmmm, lingerie then nude

Boobs or butt: butt

Angelina Jolie or Jennifer Aniston: Jennifer Aniston

For you…

City guy or country type: Beach guy

Beer or wine: Depends on the scenery and occasion, but typically beer

New York or Boston: New York (Giants and Yankees all the way!)

Beer belly or six pack: Six pack (ish)

Boxers or briefs: boxer briefs?

Man of the Moment: My Boyfriend, Joe!

I'm so excited to kick off the "Man of the Moment" feature by introducing you to my boyfriend.  You may recall the feature "Man of the Week" that I retired, but due to popular demand, I'm bringing it back with "Man of the Moment," giving you a peek into the medicine cabinets and minds of real men a few times a month. Of course, what a better way to begin than to start with my boyfriend, Joe.  I thought it's about time you heard about him, especially since I tweet about him regularly and he so generously agrees to test out some of the men's products I feature.  (Yes, that's what you get for dating a beauty editor)!  Many of the men's posts I write are thanks to Joe.  He inspires them.  Have you ever heard of collar stays?  You will soon!

Joe's 30, from my hometown in Jersey, and ladies let me tell you, much, much more than a "Man of the Moment" (wink)  so I'm going to give you a little more detail.  He's in real estate and loves to work out, watch sports (Giants...ew, Yankees...score), looks amazingly handsome in a crisp suit, always has to match his socks, has a talent for cooking (especially Italian dishes) and is very family oriented.  His guiltiest pleasures... red wine, Neapolitan pizza, running, me (ha!), martinis, nice dinners and romantic comedies (for real)!

Meet my boyfriend:

What’s in your medicine cabinet?

Axe, Gillette, Cetaphil, Dove for men soap, GNC men's multivitamins

How would you describe your grooming habits?

Wash my hair, shave, rinse, wash my face... in that order.  I have a fogless mirror in my shower so I don't have to shave when I get out.  It's my favorite thing.  I like to be fresh.

Now be honest, how would a woman describe your grooming habits?

Jeannine thinks I'm neat and loves the smell of AXE so she prefers... that to cologne.  She also hates that it takes me a total of ten minutes to get ready so I have to wait for her to finish.

When prepping to go out on a date what are the three things you make sure you do?

shower, make sure my clothes are nicely pressed and take a shot of tequila

What’s the first thing you notice about a woman?

The way she walks says a lot.  There's nothing sexier than a confident walk.

When it comes to a woman’s beauty what’s your sweet spot?

Well kept feet.  If a girl takes care of her feet she takes care of everything else.