
One Nighters Can Turn Into Love

Throughout your life I’m sure you’ve had occasional make out sessions that didn’t necessarily turn into long term relationships.  Let’s face it, we’ve all had our fair share of hook ups. Kissing is one thing, but common knowledge is that relationships that start out with sex normally don’t prosper much beyond a booty call. While it may be true that the average relationship quality of those who wait to engage in sexual intercourse is higher, it may not be because of the sex at all.  ”It’s possible for true love to emerge if things start off with a more ‘Sex and the City’ approach, when people spot each other across the room, become sexually involved and then build a relationship,” Sociologist Anthony Paik stated who studied an array of relationship surveys.

As long as both people are open to being in a serious relationship, it doesn’t really matter when they have sex.  If you found yourself in between the sheets with your new man a little earlier than expected, don’t fret.  You never know where it can still lead.

Undateable: The Grooming Edition

There are so many things that make a man undatable.  I'm sure you can create an indepth list, but take it from me, a girl who finally found love after being single in NYC for years.  Ladies let me tell you, it all begins with grooming. Here's my list of what makes a guy undateable from head to toe and yes, everywhere in between if you know what I mean. If the subject has a uni-brow or brows waxed to perfection he is undateable. There is no excuse for a uni-brow. If there was a woman in his life at some point, she would have helped him take care of this situation. So chances are, he looks stupid and has no clue about dating to begin with. Or maybe he actually likes it. Don't barbers normally do something about those? And Guido brows... don't get me started.  They're a strict no, no. This normally signifies that he'll always be more prim and proper than you are in every way. Undateable.

If the subject has dirty fingernails he is undateable. Dirt underneath the nails, bitten cuticles and uneven (ouch) bitten nails equals unsanitary conditions. I'm not saying all men should be lining up for weekly manicures, but the way they take care of their hands often signifies how they like to represent themselves.  And he wants to touch you?  Forget about it.

If the subject takes longer than you to get ready he is undateable. Ladies, do you really want to sit around and wait to go out while Romeo primps? Ew, no. Undateable. Shit, shower and shave.  After all, he is a man.

If the subject doesn't understand how to maintain the land down under he is undateable. You know what I'm talking about. Trim? Shave? They need to do what they have to do, but neatness is necessary. This is 2011 and you know you're keeping it up so why shouldn't he?  No one wants to get lost in the forest while trying to find the goods.

If the subject wears a "wool sweater" year long (or ever) he is undateable. Yes, they're out there... men with hairy chests, shoulders and backs. Their body surrenders to the hair and they accept it! Not OK. There is no excuse for anyone to be that hairy or close to it. Men, I'm not saying to go wax your body, but severe maintenance is necessary. Do you really think a girl wants to run her hand on your chest and get tangles in your nappy hair?

If the subject's toe nails scratch you between the sheets he is undateable. It's as simple as a toe nail clipper. Please.

So ladies, watch out for these types of men. For some you may be able to tell if they're undateable right away. Others may surprise you as you get more intimate, but hey, it's all part of the dating game.  Right?

What other grooming habits make men undateable?

Men Are Like Black and White Cookies

How many times have you over analyzed a text, conversation or relationship? Reading a message over and over, replaying the way he said "good night" or how he kissed you... sound familiar? We're guilty of it, but enough is enough. Wasting your time over analyzing men is one of the biggest mistakes we make.  Why? Because they're really not that difficult to read.

In all honesty ladies, men are like black and white cookies. If they want to see you, they'll see you.  If they want to call you, they'll call.  And if they want to commit, they will.  Plain and simple, men are black and white.

Think about the wasted energy you put into over analyzing and how you can utilize it elsewhere.  Chances are if he's not calling, making plans with you or committing, he's just not that into you.  So if you're still doing the above, don't waste another second of your time trying to make it seem like he is and you'll end up with someone who's worth your time.

The Secret to Better Sex

It’s guaranteed that if you and your partner work out regularly you’re going to have better sex. That’s a no brainer — but let’s explore why getting in shape will take your romp around the bedroom from great to mind blowing: 1. Confidence: Even if you don’t look as toned as Victoria and David Beckham, if you know you’re in great shape for your body type — when the clothes come off, it’s on. There’s nothing worse than being insecure between the sheets. (Ever hear him say, “Can we turn off the lights?”)

2. Stamina: How many miles can you run? Great, then keep going. Who says squats are only for the gym? Sex is a work out. No?...

3. Awareness: Understanding what your body is capable of including likes, dislikes and how strong you are is a big plus when hitting the sack. Can you do a split? Few push ups?

Now get to it! Hit the gym and bring him too! And remember — just one-half hour of love making session can burn between 50 – 100 calories.

The Man Manipulation

It's funny how when you "fall in love" the man of your dreams can have a sense of control over your mind making the powerful woman you once were into a complete stranger to yourself.

I recently read an article in the New York Post about Mr. Ballerina, Mario Lopez and his obsession with fitness.  He admitted to being so into of his own physical condition that he morphed his girlfriend, Courtney Mazza, into what he condsidered to be perfect as well.  Now, Courtney has breast implants and works with a personal trainer everyday.

Talk about mind and body manipulation!  The sad part is that it's not just a fitness addicted want-to-be star like Mario Lopez who has the ability to do this to a woman.  It's all men and it's happening to lots of women.  One of my friends ex boyfriends told her he never wanted her in flats, and she listened, for a minute. Until she made him her ex.  Who do these men think they are?  Another was told she was the heaviest girl he ever dated (weighing in at 110 lbs.).  Two months later, she was 92 lbs.

Ladies, be aware or the man manipulation.  What do you think of Mario Lopez morphing his girlfriend?