male grooming

Man of the Moment, Jeremy

Hi BeautySweetSpot readers!  I have a new 'Man of the Moment' for you this week, Jeremy, 33, from  Boston but lives in NYC.  He's in Digital Marketing and loves to swim, fish, boat and lift weights... yes, he's single.  He's the type of guy who chooses Angelina Jolie over Jennifer Aniston, but if he were to take any celeb out on a date he'd choose Teresa Palmer.  Check him out: What's in your medicine cabinet?

A wide assortment of Chanel men’s products: Platinum Egoiste deodorant, Platinum Egoiste bath and shower gel, Allure Homme Sport hair and body wash, Pour Monsieur after shave moisturizer, Men’s Lab products: Mulit-action face wash, Invigorating face scrub, Power wash, Power protector SPF 50, and Tend Skin.

I’ve been a big Chanel products fan since receiving a gift set in college for the holidays. As a guy, I get told I smell often, so it’s worth it. Men’s Lab makes quality products; I especially like using the face scrub before shaving and use the Power protector w/SPF 50 daily including as a sunscreen during the summer.

What product can’t you live without and why?

Chanel Platinum Egoiste deodorant. I have these hidden away all over the place (gym bag, bedroom, medicine cabinet. etc) and buy several at one time. I’ve used this product for so long I can’t imagine not having it. I’m a creature of habit.

How would you describe your grooming habits?

Despite the long list of fancy metro sexual products, I consider myself to be a low maintenance guy. On a typical day, I jump in the shower, slather myself up with one of the body wash’s from head to toe, floss, brush my teeth, rub some moisturizer on my face and I’m off 5 min later.

Now be honest, how would a woman describe your grooming habits?

Kind of impressed. I’ve had some help along the way from past girlfriends. The Chanel products seem to be a crowd pleaser.

When prepping to go out on a date what are the three things you make sure you do?

Shave, mouthwash, and get a little more diligent with the body wash.

If you could have one night with any celebrity who would it be and why?  More importantly, what would you do?

Teresa Palmer. She’s incredibly beautiful, she has an Australian accent, and in the trailer for “I am Number 4” she’s kicking ass in a black leather jump suit and walking away from explosions without looking behind. I would spend a day with her on Cape Cod, boating to the Vineyard, biking around the island, eating lobster rolls, and lying on the beach until the sun went down.

What’s the first thing you notice about a woman?

Am I seeing her for the first time from the back or front? Nothing trumps a pretty face.

When it comes to a woman’s beauty what’s your sweet spot?

Good skin and toned arms.

AXE is Tempting Me Again with Excite, Plus A Giveaway

You all know I'm a huge fan of AXE scents and it just so happens that my boyfriend, Joe, is too. Therefore, when I first heard that they were coming out with a new scent called Excite, he was the first person I called and we put the new collection to the test. Being a dedicated user of AXE in Leather, Joe's open to experimenting with new products from brands that are familiar to him.  I'm a lucky girl! So were the results as dramatic as the commercials?  Did he spritz it and find me running over to him from the other room to tackle him?  No, but as AXE says, it did "make the nice girl sin when tempted."

This new collection is more woody than the rest and blends notes of coconut, hazelnut and caramel.  It's not out on drugstore shelves until June, but I'm giving away 3 sets of the collection to 3 BeautySweetSpot readers!  Read on for deets on how to win:

Comment below by telling me what tempts you about your man and RT the givewaway on Twitter.  My handle is @BeautySweetSpot.

I'll announce the winner under the comments section here on April 30th.  Good Luck!

*Note: This is a sponsored post, but my actions and opinions are true.

An AXE Giveaway That'll Turn You (and Him) On

Last week I was talking about flirting with Flirt! cosmetics and besides mascara being a flirting secret weapon (wink) I have to say a sexy scent is an ultimate flirting must have.  Better yet, forget flirting. One whiff of an intoxicating blend can create  a complete throw-me-down-on-the-kitchen-counter reaction.  Ladies, you know what I mean. As a matter of fact, according to a study done by AXE, two out of three women admitted they would be more likely to make out with a guy on a first date if his scent was right.  I'm asking what's wrong with the rest of them?  There's something so captivating about a good fragrance, but a difference between a good scent and an I-want-you scent.  If men were smart, they'd all use scent as their secret weapon. Hey, I do.

I will admit that I have one scent (out of about seven that I rotate between) that's my signature sexy scent. Ladies, it turns guys on.  Everyone asks what it is, but I won't tell them!  Like I said, it's a secret weapon.

I strongly advise you to find your secret weapon and but better yet, help your guy out too.  AXE not only has their signature body sprays (which are intoxicating) but also hair care that smells sexy too.  I'm giving away full sets of shampoos to four different BeautySweetSpot readers so you can hook your men up!

The full giveaway includes one of each of their new scents: Downpour Refreshing Mint Shampoo, Heat Igniting Citrus 2 in 1 Shampoo + Conditioner, Zen Soothing Tea Tree Shampoo. Each scent is perfect for different times of day and your mans different moods and needs.  Trust me, he'll thank you.

To win...

Comment below and dish on what turns you on!...

Four winners will be selected at random on Sunday, October 3rd.  Good luck!

Only Real Men Laser Down There, Or Do They?

When the Brazilian revolution hit America, women stormed out to their nearest salon to get waxed. Now men are joining the hairless movement and getting their bodies lasered – even down there. What a relief for 99.9% of American women whose boyfriends suffer from looking like a wooly mammoth (do women actually date those guys?). When I was on the swim team in college, a male diver had chest hair was like Austin Power’s.  My teammate whispered to me, “If he has that much hair on his chest, imagine how much hair he has under his speedo.” From that day on hairless men has become the new rave. Most men want to be stylish and according to, their appearance is top priority. Men will do anything to impress women and that means removing their wool sweater.

"The latest male grooming trend is pointing the laser to the unmentionables –in addition to their brows, back of necks, backs, chests, and even knuckles," remarked Jennifer Kandemir of Advanced Derma Laser Tech Inc.  So why remove the pubic hair?  Well, ladies you all know this.  Men are getting an ego boost from it because removing the hair around their shaft creates an illusion of a longer you-know-what.

Read more after the jump...

Men believe that having a hairless body is more appealing than having abs of steel.  Men are opting for laser hair removal over other methods to avoid cuts and ingrown hairs in such a delicate area, which is a perk for the both of you.

Each year the male clientele for laser hair removal gets younger and younger. Well if women are judged for having one tiny hair on her leg, I think it’s about time men are catching on!