I just left yoga class and was super inspired by something my teacher, Julie Pasqual, said so I felt the need to share it. Her theme throughout class came from this saying, "When you complain, you're signing a contract for sadness." Wow. The reminder that we can control our level of happiness hit me hard.
Enlightened and refreshed. That's exactly how I feel right now after getting home from a Philosophy event where Gabby Bernstein spoke for an hour about manifesting. It's been almost two years since I first met the self proclaimed spirit junkie over breakfast and thanks to her guidance, influence and inspiration, I've learned how to see through the eyes of love, manifest my wildest dreams and live in my most authentic truth. Tonight, she shared her six rules for manifesting and so of course it's my duty, to share them with you, too.
During my stay at Canyon Ranch a few years ago, I attended a variety of lectures each day and found them all to be incredibly enlightening and motivating. My favorite was a motivational speech who spoke about creating miracles by a man named Jerry Posner, who was just as entertaining as he was practical. The fact that it was practical was my favorite part. I often attend spiritual lectures and appreciate the thinking, but Posner made spiritual teachings a practical practice. Here are his four ways to create your own miracles.
As a holistic health coach and someone who's super conscious about what I eat (hello, gluten free and vegan, a restaurants nightmare), my biggest downfall is portion control. The thing is, I know better, but often times, can't help it. No matter what your eating habits or weight loss goals are, here are eight tips for better portion control.
Turning to self-help books is not always easy. When books are dubbed "self-help," it implies that we need assistance, when the truth is that we just need some motivation. Here are from of our favorite motivational books by women that are sure to leave you feeling inspired and grateful.
When I coach clients into healthier lifestyles, I always emphasize eating clean – minimal processed foods that offer maximum nutrition. It's not a diet, but a lifestyle. Personally, when I decided to go vegan over ten years ago, it's because I wanted to eat as clean as possible. Here's what that really means and how eating clean will help you jumpstart weight loss, clear up your skin, increase energy and get better sleep. It's a sustainable lifestyle shift and once you reap the benefits, you'll never go back.
Whether it's beating the 4 o'clock slump or just trying to wake up, I'm sure you can use an energy boost at some point during your day, Believe it or not, I don't drink coffee. After eliminating caffeine a few years ago in order to help keep my migraines at bay (see article here) I've taken to new techniques to boost my energy. Here are yoga poses that really work.
I'm picking up the Soul Candy series again and to kick off the new year, I thought I'd tell you about a very special story that touched my life personally. I volunteer at the Liberty Humane Society in Jersey City and often find myself in the cattery cleaning cat cages and making friends with all of them as I go. Nothing makes me happier than helping at the shelter. Throughout the past few months, I took special notice to one cat in particular named Pepper who thanks to her age, spots of missing hair and cone around her neck, seemed what some would say, "unadoptable."
This summer during a visit to Canyon Ranch, I met with a nutritionist who introduced me to the idea of eating for your dosha type. As a yogi, I was famliar with my dosha type (Vata-Pitta) and the chacteristics, but never really looked into lifestyle decisions I should be making because of it. Now, I practice living according to the needs of my dosha type in order to feel my best. Here's why.
When we think of aloe vera, the first thing that comes to mind is the plant’s power to soothe our skin after we’ve spent too much in the sun. That is just one of many health benefits our body gets from the medical plant.
You guys know how much I love The Bar Method and I'm psyched to start the new year putting 100% into my classes. After all, summer bodies are made in the winter. Throughout my Bar Method Fitness Series, you'll find info on breathing for flatter abs, proper form and the importance of stretching for leaner muscles. Here, I sum it all up by giving you my top X reasons to become addicted.
Right before the holiday weekend, NBC New York Live ran my "Zen Fashion" segment. Since I predominately focus on beauty and wellness, this was different for me and a lot of fun! Seriously, when not in athlesiurewear, these are the types of outfits I live in – comfy yet chic. Check out the segment and let me know what you think of the looks.
As the year comes to an end, I like looking back at my content to see what you guys really loved reading about. From chemical peels and hair growth supplements to portion control tips and transcendental meditation, here are my top 10 most read posts this year. Enjoy!
If you're still shopping for the holidays, you may want to pick up a gift that gives back to those in need. This week on NBC's New York Live, I featured my favorite five from my holiday gift guide. (I'm obsessed with all of them!). Check it out here and happy shopping!
From sage-ing your new apartment in the hopes of clearing negative energy to burning palo santo and other healing herbs as part of your self-care Sunday routine to try to lift your spirits, smudging has become the go-to method for the wellness-savvy set to reach #goodvibesonly status. And now, herbs like sage, cedar, juniper, sweetgrass, and palo santo aren’t just for your home—they’re the latest thing in skin care as well. Check out my article on Well + Good to learn more.
If you've been reading my blog for a long time, then you watched my life and content evolve throughout the years and are right there with me. Can you believe I've been doing this for eight years? As I became more wellness minded in my personal life, my definition of beauty changed and content shifted to a place of raw authenticity that I'm proud to share with you. Today, I'm excited to announce that I've partnered with Rituals, the number one selling bath and body line in Europe that's rapidly making its mark in the US. Truthfully, if I could create my own beauty brand, I would follow the same formula – putting wellness first and (what we think of as) beauty second.
Planking is hands down one of the best exercises you can do for your core, but it also strengthens and tones your back, glutes and shoulders. No matter what type of workout you're into, there's always room for a plank. During class at The Bar Method Hoboken, we do two planks and sometimes our teachers even sneak in a (much welcomed) third. Here, owners Melissa and Lucy share everything you need to know to make sure you're getting the most out of the exercise. From form to timing, we got you covered.
If you live in the Hoboken or NYC area, then you might be interested in a new yoga program I'm launching – a 4-week beginners series. Whether you're new to yoga and want to learn the postures before attending an open class or are already a practicing yogi and want to perfect your form, through private instruction you'll learn the classic postures and any modifications that'll support your movement. Email me to learn more.
As someone with very fine hair (and not a lot of it), I've tried every extension variety to make it appear fuller throughout the years. Being on TV, it's important for me to be able to enhance what I have. From tape-in to clip-in and bonded extensions, I've tried them all, but while I love the way they look, they're really just temporary bandaids for a bigger problem. I've taken different types of skin, hair and nail supplements since I was young, but always remained skeptical of their efficacy until now thanks to science.
Isn't it funny how our calendars fill up like crazy during the holidays? It's not even Thanksgiving yet and the season is already in full swing, which for me provokes a great deal of anxiety. Already on our calendar are attending family dinners and parties, jazz concerts, the NYC Ballet's performance of The Nutcracker, and this year Joe and I are looking to move apartments in December too, which just adds to the craziness. With what feels like a suffocating calendar full of fun events, the only way I can truly enjoy the season is by focusing on the moment and calming my anxiety. Here's a easy breathing meditation from Dr. Andrew Weil that I incorporate into my day. Hope it helps you, too!
It seems silly to spend so much money gifting "wants" during the holiday season when there are so many in need around the world. This year, when giving to friends and family, think about also helping others. Here are our top picks of gifts that give back for the wellness minded, beauty addict, fitness enthusiast and foodie that help a handful of noteworthy causes around the globe.
Even as a veteran beauty editor, I find product labels confusing. Since the FDA doesn't regulate the term "natural," shopping for clean beauty buys is one of the trickiest tasks. I partnered with New Beauty to produce and host this video on "How to Shop for Clean Beauty Buys" in hopes it'll help you cut through the clutter. Well, at least some of it! Check it out and let me know what you think.
SOLE, salt water made with super concentrated HIMALAYAN PINK SALt, IS know for it's detoxing properties. However, drinking it daily can also HELP WITH DIGESTION and SLEEP DEPRIVATION. Here's why you should get involved.
Exfoliating your face is a crucial step in your regimen. However, the wrong method of exfoliation can do more harm than good. In fact, it can send your complexion in an extreme direction, making oily skin even oilier and dry skin even drier. Check out my latest for Well + Good on How to Exfoliate for Your Skin Type.
Just as the leaves on the trees are about to change, it's time for our palettes to adjust as well. Fall is here! And that means it's time to try something new. With the help of some of our favorite food bloggers, we're rounding up the most delicious vegan dishes to whip up at home.
As a hardcore yogi and #barrebabe, I understand the importance of stretching in order to look and feel my best, however I find many of my friends and readers tell me they skip it before or after working out. When it comes to The Bar Method, I appreciate that the class strategically fits stretching exercise in between the tucks and pulses to compliment the toning movements. I spoke with Founders of The Bar Method Hoboken, Lucy and Melissa, to find out just how important stretching is during a barre class and in life.
I first met Cait about ten years ago when I was a beauty editor at Cosmopolitan magazine. At the time she was a beauty editor at Life & Style, and I looked up to her as she seemed to have it all figured out. She's always been supportive of my freelance career and I'm incredibly proud of what she's accomplished during the past few years. Now a cancer survivor, Cait utilized her relationships in beauty and personal experience to help others fight their battles while looking and feeling their best by writing "Pretty Sick: The Beauty Guide for Women with Cancer." At her book launch party, she said, "This was never about me writing a book. This was about me wanting to help others." And that's exactly the type of person Cait is – selfless. Here, she speaks to her journey and gives valuable life advice.
If you're anything like us, you have a sweet tooth and baked goods are hard to pass up! Martha Stewart shows us how replacing the gluten in wheat flour for cornstarch will still give you the same irresistible taste.
It was January of 2016 when I first heard of Skylands Animal Sanctuary in Wantage, NJ and visiting has been on my bucket list ever since. This past weekend, Joe and I had the opportunity to take a tour of the sanctuary given by the Founder, Mike, who's one of my heroes. You can only imagine how excited I was as he began to tell his story and the stories of all of the rescued animals that he treats as children. Founded in January 2015, the 232 acre property is now home to animals he personally rescued including cows, goats, pigs, chickens, even a bull and more.
I just completed my final week of school at the Institute for Integrative Nutrition and passed my final! The last guest lecture I had, by Marie Forleo, couldn't have come at a better time in my life. As a friend of Gabby Bernstien, I've been following her work for quite some time and found this particular lecture to be super helpful and a great way to finish. Here are her five steps to unstoppable success. I hope you enjoy them as much as i do.