plastic surgery

More Men Seeking Plastic Surgery

When I hear people talking about someone getting plastic surgery nine times out of ten I automatically assume they're talking about a woman.  A nip and tuck here and there is so common these days it's almost like going for a cut and color.  Almost... However, it's not so safe to assume all of the nips and tucks are being done on women.  According to recent statistics released by the American Society of Plastic Surgery, facelifts for men increased a whopping 14% in 2010. Liposuction, too, is on the rise with men, increasing a respectable 7%.

Reason for the spike?  Competition in the workplace.  So it's not just us women who have to look the part to play the part.  Interesting.  Instead of focusing on their youth and detailing every line and wrinkle, men have been looking to their jawlines for a quick fix.

In Today's World Being Beautiful is Everything

Welcome to 2010, a decade where it seems like looks are everything.  When it comes to getting hired and climbing the corporate ladder truth is – your resume will only get you so far. According to a Newsweek study, more and more hiring managers are seeking attractiveness and confidence over well qualified, unattractive candidates.  Living in a culture consumed by image, being an average candidate for the position with good looks wins almost every time – and no, it doesn't depend on the industry.

In general, attractive men make about 5% more than unattractive men holding the same position, attractive women, 4% more.  According to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons 13% of women and 10% of men said they'd have plastic surgery if it helped them in the office.

Sad but true, it takes more than your smarts to get ahead.  What do you think?  Have you ever experienced discrimination based on looks?

Cosmetic Surgery Report and Rant

Ever think about what you'd look like with a smaller nose, more defined cheek bones or plumper lips?  How about thinner thighs?  Yea, you thought of that... who hasn't? Despite the downfall in the economy, the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery reports that the demand for plastic surgery procedures in 2009 only fell 2% with liposuction and rhinoplasty being the top two.  It seems no matter what the cost, people are willing to put their money where they believe their imperfections are.  As a matter of fact, Americans spent over $10.5 billion on cosmetic surgery procedures throughout the year.

Heidi Montag probably contributed about $1 billion herself.  The Hollywood effect is taking place and it's all trickling down.  E! recently reported that now a days, getting breast implants or a nose job is almost like a right of passage for girls on their 18th birthdays.  I am by no means against cosmetic surgery (everyone needs a little nip and tuck sometimes), but some allow it to get out of hand.

There's actually a site called where you can upload your photo, address all of your facial concerns (even having your ears pinned back), and get a free consultation from a plastic surgeon.  Wait, it gets better... then, like American Idol, (yes, a reality show), America gets to vote on whether or not you should go through with your surgery!

Share! What are your thoughts on cosmetic surgery?