Final Voting Days...

BeautySweetSpot's 2009 Man of the Year will be announced on January 1st and his fate is in your hands! Bobby D. and John have been battling neck and neck with thousands of votes each.  The polls cut off on midnight on New Years Eve, so as you're popping bottles of champagne, someone is being crowned!

Besides the title, which is awesome enough, the Man of the Year will win a ton of AXE products.  Click on the names below to see their full Man of the Week interviews. 


Bobby D.

Stats: 26, single, can't live with out baby powder for "the boys down there."


Stats: 27, single, loves the compliments he receives on his cologne, some call the scent "heavenly."


Stats: 25, taken, believes his Curve cologne helps him make a nice entrance into a room.


Stats: 27, single, avoids razor burn by using the Braun Series 7 self cleaning electric razor.


Stats: 29, single, invests in taking care of his skin with Fresh After-Shave Lotion.

Do you know a sexy, successful man who would make a great Man of the Week for 2010?  Send me your nominations!  Email [email protected].