A Guide to Food Labels

A Guide to Food Labels

Food labels are not only confusing, but they're also misleading.  I find this particularly annoying when looking at the words "natural" and "organic."  Instead of trying to guide us into a healthier way of eating, they're purely marketing terms without regulation.  Good news is, the FDA is going to start cracking down so stricter guidelines will be in place for labels.  I found this article from National Geographic super helpful and eye opening.  It breaks down exactly what these terms mean (and more) and how to navigate them in the grocery store. 

Sun Safety on NBC

Sun Safety on NBC

Yesterday I had the pleasure of chatting with Sara Gore on NBC's New York Live about the importance of SPF.  According to the American Cancer Society, over 76K people in the US will be diagnosed with melanoma this year.  You guys, it's a preventable cancer!  Check out the segment here and keep reading to see my safe sun tips.

CEW Beauty Awards Winners Announced

CEW Beauty Awards Winners Announced

I'm hanging out at home on this rainy Friday thinking about how grateful I am to be part of an industry that's so smart, celebrated and fun.  Today, for the fourth year in a row, I had the honor of presenting awards at the Cosmetic Executive Women (CEW) Beauty Awards in front of the entire industry at the Waldorf Astoria in NYC.  

Tried It: Face Place Facial

Tried It: Face Place Facial

As someone who has a passion for skincare and is super Type A about everything (especially my pores), I have to tell you about the latest facial I had done at Face Place, a clinical spa located in NYC's Meat Packing District and all over Los Angeles, CA.  It was the most thorough, cleansing facial I've ever had.  And I'm saying that as someone who's been experiencing facials about every three months for the past ten years.  (Yes, I told you I was Type A).