baby — Blog — Jeannine Morris

Shedding Light On Birth Mothers

Shedding Light On  Birth Mothers

If you follow me on my social media profiles, then you saw that People magazine recently told my story of the adoption scam that happened to Joe and I. After reading my blog post. The Adoption Scam on the News Happened to Us, an editor contacted me for an interview and I thought my quotes were going to be part of a bigger story on scams. I was surprised and excited to see it was published as a piece just highlighting our story. My hope is that telling my story on a bigger level will help others and my full inbox has proved that it’s working. I’m so glad I can use my experiences on my journey to motherhood to connect with other women.

The Adoption Scam on the News Happened to Us

I couldn’t begin to explain this situation to you guys earlier, because I didn’t think i’d be able to capture the cruelty appropriately and to be honest, it’s exhausting to revisit and I haven’t had the energy. However, the BBC recently came out with this article, “The Fake Baby Adoption Scam,” and there it was. You might have seen it or seen the segments about it on morning TV shows by now. It happened to us – that girl, those false promises, that scam.

Chic Backpack Diaper Bags

Chic Backpack Diaper Bags

Amaya is now three months old and I finally caved and got a true diaper bag. After months of using my trusty MZ Wallace or LV totes, I was craving compartments. After getting a ton of recommendations for diaper bags that don’t scream diaper bag on Instagram, I narrowed my search down to three backpacks and finally found the one. A backpack was the way to go for me, since it gives me free hands when I’m carrying her. Plus, I already had totes I like that I bought an organizer for. Here are the finalists.

Our Adoption Journey & Key Learnings

Our Adoption Journey & Key Learnings

My Instagram DM’s have been blowing up with questions about the adoption process ever since Joe and I announced the arrival of Amaya. I love connecting with women in such a positive way, sharing our story and helping to navigate the the tough decisions that come up. Here is a comprehensive guide to the adoption process. Whether you’re looking into International adoption, domestic adoption through an agency or private domestic adoption, I have you covered. Joe and I touched upon all three…

Meet Our Adoption Team

Meet Our Adoption Team

If you’re considering private domestic adoption, I encourage you to check out our team. Let’s call them, Team Lombardi. Throughout the months of waiting and countless potential birth mom connections, they were by our side for support and guidance. Being that our adoption happened very quickly (we found out we had a baby when the birth mom was in labor!), they all worked overtime to make sure things were done as quickly and efficiently as possible. We couldn’t be happier with the people we chose to work with.

Our Baby Found Us

Our Baby Found Us

If you follow me on Instagram, then you saw the announcement that Joe and I recently welcomed home our newly adopted baby girl, Amaya Jo (more in the Insta post)! We are over the moon, full of love and joy and I couldn’t be more excited to share the news with you! As I sit here to write this, I realize I have so much to share, but am going to do so over a series of several posts on the adoption process. This one is from the heart on my journey to motherhood and what it truly means to me now.

Here's What A Grief & Loss Support Team Looks Like

Here's What A Grief & Loss Support Team Looks Like

After writing my last post, I wanted to give you a useful take away in hopes it can help you or someone you know learning to live with grief.  Throughout the past few weeks, I've gathered a team of professionals to help me with bereavement support.  It's going to take time, but I wanted you to know that this type of help exists.  Here's how they've all been assisting me and what they have to offer.