Tried It: Face Place Facial


As someone who has a passion for skincare and is super Type A about everything (especially my pores), I have to tell you about the latest facial I had done at Face Place, a clinical spa located in NYC's Meat Packing District and Los Angeles, CA.  It was the most thorough, cleansing facial I've ever had.  And I'm saying that as someone who's been experiencing facials about every three months for the past ten years.  (Yes, I told you I was Type A).

First off, it's important to address that people get facials for different reasons.  While some like the pampering spa experience, others seek to brighten, tighten or plump their skin.  Personally, of course, I want all of those things, but first and foremost as a NYer, it's very important for me to have "clean" skin.  Meaning, thanks to the grit and grim of this beloved city that clogs my pores, I'm obsessed with extractions.  

My first thought as I laid on the massage table with my feet elevated (to bring circulation to the face) was that this was definitely going to be more clinical and practical than pampering.  Justin Bieber was playing and my aesthetician, Isaac Davis, greeted me with a warm blanket and eagerness to get the job done.  

After opening my pores by covering my face with damp washcloths soaked in yucca root solution and a dry heating mask, he went to town.  Most spas only allocate about eight minutes to extractions, but The Face Place takes about 25-30 minutes and extracts your entire face.  Isaac went section by section of my face using his fingers and extracted anything he could.  While extractions are everyone's least favorite part of a facial, they sure are needed.  This "rolling" method he used allowed him to get a better gauge of my skin and explore areas that may be clogged, but not visible on the surface.  

Post extractions, I laid for 17 minutes with more washcloths soaked in Vitamin C (to brighten) plus Zinc (to help calm my skin).  Electric current helped the molecules penetrate deeply.

I left a little flushed, but couldn't be happier with the outcome.  The Face Place is somewhere I now plan to go every three months.