
Exciting Partnership News!

Exciting Partnership News!

I'm thrilled to finally share what I've been working on in LA!  I had the honor of partnering with Coppertone to show you a true day in my life when in California.  We shot a video and print ads for People, InStyle and StyleWatch.  I couldn't be more excited about the campaign and want to thank you for your readership and support throughout my career.  Without you, my readers and followers, these dreams would never come true!  Read on to check out the video and pick up June issues of the magazines, which are on stands now.

The Ingredient Your SPF is Missing

The Ingredient Your SPF is Missing

I'm really excited to share this piece I wrote for Harper's Bazaar.  I don't normally post about my other freelance editorial work here (you can see some of it here if you want), but I loved writing this piece so much and am proud to share it.  I love diving deep into skincare topics that matter and writing for a publication as well respected as Harper's is such an honor.  The message in this article is worth a read. 

Sun Safety on NBC

Sun Safety on NBC

Yesterday I had the pleasure of chatting with Sara Gore on NBC's New York Live about the importance of SPF.  According to the American Cancer Society, over 76K people in the US will be diagnosed with melanoma this year.  You guys, it's a preventable cancer!  Check out the segment here and keep reading to see my safe sun tips.

Why You Need IR Protection

Why You Need IR Protection

About a month ago, I heard something I’ve never heard before and knew it was important.  As a seasoned beauty writer, it’s fair to say that I’m a bit jaded when it comes to “breakthroughs,” so it takes something major to truly peek my interest. Whenever I hear of new skincare technology, I immediately turn to NYC Dermatologist, Dr. Neal Schultz, for the raw, unedited truth.  This one in sunscreen is going to blow your mind.