
3 Ways to Enhance Your Life According to A Psychologist

3 Ways to Enhance Your Life According to A Psychologist

After diving into a positive psychology course this past fall, we put together a few tips to help you live a more abundant life. We took some of the most important information, eliminated the boring scientific language, and came up with a list of three things you can add to your routine that’ll enhance your life.

How to Sign A Contract with Happiness

How to Sign A Contract with Happiness

I just left yoga class and was super inspired by something my teacher, Julie Pasqual, said so I felt the need to share it.  Her theme throughout class came from this saying, "When you complain, you're signing a contract for sadness."  Wow.  The reminder that we can control our level of happiness hit me hard.  

Three Lifestyles Pursuits that Lead to Happiness

Three Lifestyles Pursuits that Lead to Happiness

We spoke to Martin Seligman, the father of modern positive psychology, who talks about the idea behind the “three happy lives;” which are individual pursuits that recognize your highest strengths (via this easy survey quiz) and use them to maximize your experiences. Read on for more about these lives and how to get the most out of them.

Soul Candy: Help for the Homeless

Soul Candy: Help for the Homeless

It's been insanely cold out this winter and I always provide the homeless in my area with what I can to keep them as warm as possible, but the thought of them being out in the cold on frigid days and nights never leaves my mind.  I noticed my friend April shared the news that her sister Jamie Marie and her boyfriend Anthony Pierro assembled and handed out care packages to homeless individuals in freezing cold New York City earlier this year and was touched.  I reached out to Anthony to find out more about his experience and he shared this touching video.

The Happiness Formula

The Happiness Formula

I just booked a trip to LA and am beyond excited to get back out there.  The excitement and happiness I feel when on the West Coast doesn't compare to my day-to-day in NYC.  There's just something about the sunshine.  However, I found a formula by Deepak Chopra, MD that explains how you can take charge of your happiness.  Even on cold, wintery NYC days.  Check it out.

Top Posts of 2017

Top Posts of 2017

As the year comes to an end, I like looking back at my content to see what you guys really loved reading about.  From chemical peels and hair growth supplements to portion control tips and transcendental meditation, here are my top 10 most read posts this year.  Enjoy!

Mattheiu Ricard, Buddhist Monk & 'The Happiest Man Alive'

Mattheiu Ricard, Buddhist Monk & 'The Happiest Man Alive'

When I was invited to sit down with Mattheiu Ricard, a Budhist monk who acts as the right hand to the Dalai Lama, at The Players Club in NYC for an exclusive interview I jumped at the chance.   Despite the fact that I interview celebs for a living, I was super nervous to meet Mattheiu.  Thanks to Muse, a new device to help people meditate, and The Path, a group that brings meditation to the masses, I had my one-on-one.  Being in his prescence alone was an honor. Here are his thoughts on cultivating happiness, his Ted Talk that has over five million views and alturism.