skin — Blog — Jeannine Morris


Top Posts of 2017

Top Posts of 2017

As the year comes to an end, I like looking back at my content to see what you guys really loved reading about.  From chemical peels and hair growth supplements to portion control tips and transcendental meditation, here are my top 10 most read posts this year.  Enjoy!

The Best Salons & Spas in NYC

The Best Salons & Spas in NYC

I'm extremely grateful that part of my job as a beauty editor is to visit new salons and spas to test their hottest treatments.  In New York City, it seems there's a new, clever concept salon opening up almost every month.  Many of you ask for recommendations on where to go for hair cuts, facials, brows and more so I decided to write a guide of tried-and-true favorites.  And yes, as a Hoboken girl now I can tell you, they're worth commuting for.