healthy eating — Blog — Jeannine Morris

healthy eating

Top Posts of 2017

Top Posts of 2017

As the year comes to an end, I like looking back at my content to see what you guys really loved reading about.  From chemical peels and hair growth supplements to portion control tips and transcendental meditation, here are my top 10 most read posts this year.  Enjoy!

5 Trader Joe's Snacks You Need In Your Life

5 Trader Joe's Snacks You Need In Your Life

Trader Joe's is a health food haven.  If you're trying to stick to a healthy eating regimen, the store offers a huge array of guilt-free snacking options with loads of benefits.  Here are five must-try healthy snacks that are sure to become a staple in your household.

Healthy Comfort Foods

Contrary to popular belief, comfort foods do not need to mean quitting your healthy diet. There are many healthy comfort food recipes that are just as satisfying as a bowl of mac n' cheese.  Here are three of our favorite healthy comfort food recipes that you're going to find yourself craving for the rest of the winter: