Blog — Jeannine Morris

Genesis Rivas

3 Ways to Enhance Your Life According to A Psychologist

3 Ways to Enhance Your Life According to A Psychologist

After diving into a positive psychology course this past fall, we put together a few tips to help you live a more abundant life. We took some of the most important information, eliminated the boring scientific language, and came up with a list of three things you can add to your routine that’ll enhance your life.

Three Lifestyles Pursuits that Lead to Happiness

Three Lifestyles Pursuits that Lead to Happiness

We spoke to Martin Seligman, the father of modern positive psychology, who talks about the idea behind the “three happy lives;” which are individual pursuits that recognize your highest strengths (via this easy survey quiz) and use them to maximize your experiences. Read on for more about these lives and how to get the most out of them.

New Cruelty-Free Beauty Buys We’re Loving

New Cruelty-Free Beauty Buys We’re Loving

Have you noticed? more and more beauty brands are becoming cruelty free. According this Allure article, California became one of the first states that passed a law banning the sales of any products that are tested on animals to be effective starting January 1, 2020. We’re so excited that more companies are taking part in this movement against animal testing and that’s why we’ve gathered some of our favorite cruelty-free brands with some of their latest products.

Top 3 Benefits of Drinking Chlorophyll Water

Top 3 Benefits of Drinking Chlorophyll Water

Chlorophyll is the the pigment found in plants that makes them green and has only recently become trendy. However, we found that many say their grandmothers would swear by the green water to help heal ailments. Stomach ache? Chlorophyll. Headache? Chlorophyll.  We recently tried the Sakara Life Detox Water Concentrate with infused chlorophyll and found ourselves wondering, whether or not it really works and how.  We spoke with Whitney Tingle, the Co-Founder of Sakara Life, to get the breakdown behind this magical green water and here’s what you need to know.

5 Self Help Podcasts to Add to Your Library

5 Self Help Podcasts to Add to Your Library

We love reading self help books (here are some of our faves). However, as we’re all grinding to become better versions of ourselves, the last thing we have time to do is actually sit down and read. Therefore, we gathered a list of podcasts that aim to refuel your mind and soul with positivity and productivity so you can easily become inspired on-the-go.

The Latest Skincare Gadgets We're Loving

The Latest Skincare Gadgets We're Loving

As I go through new product mailings, I keep products that intrigue or impress me to the side and begin creating categories for round ups like these.  Lately, I've received a ton of cool tech-y skincare gadgets that range from $20 - $160 and promise to help reduce the appearance of crows feet, keep your tweezers in check and even act as well as a derma-planing facial.