yoga — Blog — Jeannine Morris


How to Sign A Contract with Happiness

How to Sign A Contract with Happiness

I just left yoga class and was super inspired by something my teacher, Julie Pasqual, said so I felt the need to share it.  Her theme throughout class came from this saying, "When you complain, you're signing a contract for sadness."  Wow.  The reminder that we can control our level of happiness hit me hard.  

A Lesson on Labels

A Lesson on Labels

This past weekend I had the pleasure of taking a workshop with my teacher’s teacher, Raghunath, at Hudson Yoga Project in Hoboken. My teacher, Patrick, has been raving about him and his work since I started practicing with him years ago and now I finally get it. He is inspiring, intelligent, cultured, creative and encouraging. Before our handstand workshop, he spoke to reincarnation, the soul’s purpose (to love) and labels we give ourselves, which I found extremely interesting. Here’s some food for thought…

You're Invited: Yoga Class to Benefit the Liberty Humane Society

You're Invited: Yoga Class to Benefit the Liberty Humane Society

I’m excited to partner with Athleta in Hoboken to teach a donation based class for the Liberty Humane Society. There’s nothing better than being able to combine my love for teaching yoga with my passion for helping animals. The class will be Sunday, March 10th at 10am at the Athleta store on Washington St. As a bonus, Athleta will be having a Friends & Family sale! Suggested class donation is $15. Hope to see you there!

JM x NYPL: An Expression of Life

JM x NYPL: An Expression of Life

Earlier this month, I shot a yoga series at the New York Public Library in Bryant Park as part of a new project showcasing my journey through life. I feel most alive when I’m practicing yoga and when I’m surrounded by places of inspiration. When there’s beautiful architecture and light, the yoga flows naturally and images speak volumes. Here are a few out takes from my first shoot. The entire series will be released slowly on my Instagram page with more context. I hope you enjoy it.

Becoming Stronger Mentally and Physically

Becoming Stronger Mentally and Physically

As someone who's always been into keeping fit, I felt confident in my strong, healthy body for a long time, but now being postpartum, nothing is the same and my body now acts as a reminder of my tragedy.  I'm determined to not only get my body back, but to become leaner and stronger than I ever was before.  Here's where I am today... starting a new kind of wellness journey.

Hoboken: Best of Beauty & Wellness

Hoboken: Best of Beauty & Wellness

When I first moved from the city to Hoboken a little over four years ago, I was convinced that I was going to hate it.  A typical New York attitude.  Today, I can't express how much I absolutely love this little city and am so proud to call it home.  Of course, I did my fair share of exploring and testing out all of the beauty and wellness offerings the town has to offer.  While I still go to NYC for many of my services (see my round up of the best salons and spas in NYC here), I found some real talent in Hoboken.  Here's my edit of the best of beauty and wellness in Hoboken.