hair — Blog — Jeannine Morris


New Cruelty-Free Beauty Buys We’re Loving

New Cruelty-Free Beauty Buys We’re Loving

Have you noticed? more and more beauty brands are becoming cruelty free. According this Allure article, California became one of the first states that passed a law banning the sales of any products that are tested on animals to be effective starting January 1, 2020. We’re so excited that more companies are taking part in this movement against animal testing and that’s why we’ve gathered some of our favorite cruelty-free brands with some of their latest products.

My Favorite Hair Care Products Right Now

My Favorite Hair Care Products Right Now

When I find something I like, I tend to stick to it, but I try almost anything that will promise me fuller, healthier, stronger, shinier hair.   So far this year, I've been impressed by more hair products than anything else.  Here are the standouts.  Make sure to put them on your radar! 

Hoboken: Best of Beauty & Wellness

Hoboken: Best of Beauty & Wellness

When I first moved from the city to Hoboken a little over four years ago, I was convinced that I was going to hate it.  A typical New York attitude.  Today, I can't express how much I absolutely love this little city and am so proud to call it home.  Of course, I did my fair share of exploring and testing out all of the beauty and wellness offerings the town has to offer.  While I still go to NYC for many of my services (see my round up of the best salons and spas in NYC here), I found some real talent in Hoboken.  Here's my edit of the best of beauty and wellness in Hoboken.

Top Posts of 2017

Top Posts of 2017

As the year comes to an end, I like looking back at my content to see what you guys really loved reading about.  From chemical peels and hair growth supplements to portion control tips and transcendental meditation, here are my top 10 most read posts this year.  Enjoy!

The Best Salons & Spas in NYC

The Best Salons & Spas in NYC

I'm extremely grateful that part of my job as a beauty editor is to visit new salons and spas to test their hottest treatments.  In New York City, it seems there's a new, clever concept salon opening up almost every month.  Many of you ask for recommendations on where to go for hair cuts, facials, brows and more so I decided to write a guide of tried-and-true favorites.  And yes, as a Hoboken girl now I can tell you, they're worth commuting for.

Scientific Proof My Hair Growth Supplement is Working

Scientific Proof My Hair Growth Supplement is Working

As someone with very fine hair (and not a lot of it), I've tried every extension variety to make it appear fuller throughout the years.  Being on TV, it's important for me to be able to enhance what I have.  From tape-in to clip-in and bonded extensions, I've tried them all, but while I love the way they look, they're really just temporary bandaids for a bigger problem.  I've taken different types of skin, hair and nail supplements since I was young, but always remained skeptical of their efficacy until now thanks to science. 

Fall Beauty Trends As Seen On NBC

Fall Beauty Trends As Seen On NBC

You may have caught me live this morning discussing my favorite beauty trends for fall straight from the runways with Sara Gore and Jacquie Reed for NBC's New York Live, but incase you missed it, here's the scoop and product details are after the jump.  Oh, and tomorrow I'll be on a new national show, DailyMail TV discussing a hot health topic.  Be sure to tune in!

Bridal Beauty Countdown: 6 Months

Bridal Beauty Countdown: 6 Months

With six months until your wedding it's really time to tune into your skin. Personally, I've always been a bit anal about mine and focused on getting rid of hyperpigmentation before my wedding. For some reason many brides jump to injectables right before their wedding.  Here's some advice on skin, hair and makeup.