Top 3 Benefits of Drinking Chlorophyll Water

Top 3 Benefits of Drinking Chlorophyll Water

Chlorophyll is the the pigment found in plants that makes them green and has only recently become trendy. However, we found that many say their grandmothers would swear by the green water to help heal ailments. Stomach ache? Chlorophyll. Headache? Chlorophyll.  We recently tried the Sakara Life Detox Water Concentrate with infused chlorophyll and found ourselves wondering, whether or not it really works and how.  We spoke with Whitney Tingle, the Co-Founder of Sakara Life, to get the breakdown behind this magical green water and here’s what you need to know.

Becoming Stronger Mentally and Physically

Becoming Stronger Mentally and Physically

As someone who's always been into keeping fit, I felt confident in my strong, healthy body for a long time, but now being postpartum, nothing is the same and my body now acts as a reminder of my tragedy.  I'm determined to not only get my body back, but to become leaner and stronger than I ever was before.  Here's where I am today... starting a new kind of wellness journey.

A Luxurious All-Natural Perfume Collection I'm Loving

A Luxurious All-Natural Perfume Collection I'm Loving

Truth is, I rarely ever wear perfume, because it often gives me headaches and now being pregnant, I am extremely sensitive to smell.  If you're anything like me then listen up, because I discovered a new line of all-natural perfume oils that are "Jeannine friendly" and completely intoxicating.  The line is called Petite Histoire, which in French means "the narrative that intertwines lovers," and is inspired by exactly that - love.

I Tried A Rage Room for the Sake of Self Care

I Tried A Rage Room for the Sake of Self Care

If I've learned anything throughout these past couple of weeks it's that the five stages of grief  (denial, anger, bargaining, acceptance and depression) aren't linear.  I thought I would go through each stage one at a time and then see the light at the end of the tunnel.  However, what I've been experiencing is a circular patter of the stages over and over and over again.  Depression has been consistent, and I find that anger and numbness are not far behind on a rotating schedule minute by minute. Enter a rage room…

5 Self Help Podcasts to Add to Your Library

5 Self Help Podcasts to Add to Your Library

We love reading self help books (here are some of our faves). However, as we’re all grinding to become better versions of ourselves, the last thing we have time to do is actually sit down and read. Therefore, we gathered a list of podcasts that aim to refuel your mind and soul with positivity and productivity so you can easily become inspired on-the-go.