Here's What A Grief & Loss Support Team Looks Like

Here's What A Grief & Loss Support Team Looks Like

After writing my last post, I wanted to give you a useful take away in hopes it can help you or someone you know learning to live with grief.  Throughout the past few weeks, I've gathered a team of professionals to help me with bereavement support.  It's going to take time, but I wanted you to know that this type of help exists.  Here's how they've all been assisting me and what they have to offer.

Who Saved Who? Adopt My Foster Kitten

Who Saved Who? Adopt My Foster Kitten

Throughout the past few weeks of grief, one piece of advice keeps circling, "tend to something," and it led me to begin fostering kittens.  Taking care of my first foster kitten, who was seven weeks when I got him, had a cold and was very weak, has been a reason to get out of bed and he’s looking for a forever home.

In Honor of Our Daughter, Ava

In Honor of Our Daughter, Ava

During this time of incredible heartbreak and grief, Joe and I are beyond grateful to have our families, friends, colleagues and community to help hold us up.  Helpless and hopeless, there is one thing we’d like to do in honor of our daughter, Ava Lombardi.  While at the hospital in the beginning of this nightmare, we learned of Griffin’s Giving Fund, which helps families through the grief associated with losing a child.  Keep reading to find out how.

The Hardest News I'll Ever Have to Share

The Hardest News I'll Ever Have to Share

Devastated. Numb. Angry. Hopeless. Lifeless.

Words can’t begin to describe how Joe and I have been feeling. At 8 months pregnant, we lost our baby girl. Our second loss. No answers as to why. Just a week ago, after being forced into labor and having to give birth to her, we left the hospital empty handed. She was already gone. No words. Just heartbreak. Taking time away from all of this... unplugged.

New Beauty Gadgets Under $100 as Seen on NBC

New Beauty Gadgets Under $100 as Seen on NBC

This morning on NBC's New York Live, I had the pleasure of working with Sara Gore and Lauren Scala.  I originally pitched a general "New Beauty Gadgets" piece, but the producer (my friend Jess) gave me the challenge of finding new beauty gadgets that were all under $100.  A hard task, but I was super impressed by all I found.  Check out the segment here.  

What to Expect During A Prenatal Massage

What to Expect During A Prenatal Massage

At 18 weeks, I went to book a massage and then realized I could no longer lay flat on my stomach and that it was time to book the prenatal.  I immediately got nervous and began Googling how prenatal massages are done.  I was intimidated to feel uncomfortable on the table with my changing body and didn't want to put myself in an awkward position.  Here's everything I learned from my first prenatal massage. 

These Are the Vegan Items I Buy At Trader Joe's Every Single Time

These Are the Vegan Items I Buy At Trader Joe's Every Single Time

Each time I go to Trader Joe's I find new thing I must try.  As a gluten-free, vegan, they have so many options for me at great prices.  I've been posting my hauls on InstaStories and have many of you asking about my shopping list so here's info on what I buy every single time.