wrecking club — Blog — Jeannine Morris

wrecking club

Un-Zen Ways to De-Stress in NYC

Un-Zen Ways to De-Stress in NYC

You guys know that I’ve had it rough lately and anger has played a huge role in my grief process. Remember when I went to the rage room (see blog post) to “safely” smash things and get it out? Well, I took my friend Joelle Garguilo from NBC’s New York Live there recently for a segment and it was so much fun. Check out my latest on “Un-Zen Ways to De-Stress in NYC.

I Tried A Rage Room for the Sake of Self Care

I Tried A Rage Room for the Sake of Self Care

If I've learned anything throughout these past couple of weeks it's that the five stages of grief  (denial, anger, bargaining, acceptance and depression) aren't linear.  I thought I would go through each stage one at a time and then see the light at the end of the tunnel.  However, what I've been experiencing is a circular patter of the stages over and over and over again.  Depression has been consistent, and I find that anger and numbness are not far behind on a rotating schedule minute by minute. Enter a rage room…