How to Live Beyond Constraints

How to Live Beyond Constraints

"Nothing in the past defines your future," explains Cynthia James, MA, during a lecture I listened to.  She had us ask ourselves, What are you doing in the moment to stand true to who you are?, which I found to be a fascinating question.  Here are seven steps to help heal and move beyond constraints so you can put your best self forward and create a future worth being excited about.  Now, that's freedom.

Color Correctors

Color Correctors

Lately, I've been dealing with a bit of acne (hello, redness) and have dark circles in the inner corners of my under eyes, however, I can make all of it vanish within seconds.  Enter color correctors.  I'm not typically high maintenance when it comes to makeup, but I will do whatever I can to ensure that my skin looks even and healthy – even if I have to fake it.  Here's a guide on how to use color correctors properly.  Yes, there's a method.

Introducing JM Wellness

Introducing JM Wellness

Hey Guys!  I'm excited to be expanding my business as a yoga teacher and health coach. This summer, I'm going to be teaching yoga to private, small groups outside in the sunshine and have summer classes at several studios in Hoboken and NYC.  You can check out my class schedule here.  Also, as a holistic health coach, I offer nutrition counsel and my 14 day clean eating program, Nourish.  Ready to make changes?  Reach out and let's work together!

Animal Rights, Please Help

Animal Rights, Please Help

Being that I'm a leather-wearing vegan, I wouldn't consider myself an animal rights activist, but I just found myself writing a letter to the mayor and town council of Edgewater, NJ in hopes to save the geese they plan on capturing and gassing to death in chambers.  Swear to God this is happening and it's sickening.

The Ingredient Your SPF is Missing

The Ingredient Your SPF is Missing

I'm really excited to share this piece I wrote for Harper's Bazaar.  I don't normally post about my other freelance editorial work here (you can see some of it here if you want), but I loved writing this piece so much and am proud to share it.  I love diving deep into skincare topics that matter and writing for a publication as well respected as Harper's is such an honor.  The message in this article is worth a read. 

Kathryn Budig, Yoga Teacher & Author

Kathryn Budig, Yoga Teacher & Author

When I picked up Kathryn Budig's new book, Aim True, I immediately wanted to be friends with her.  As a yoga teacher and author, she's taking the wellness scene by storm by inspiring her followers to be honest with themselves and live a life of fulfillment by "nourishing their spirit."  Kathryn recently partnered with Vapour Organic, to create a signature multi-use product.  Here' she talks about what drew her to yoga, her favorite beauty buys and favorite LA hot spots.