Denise Mari, Founder of Organic Avenue & Author

Denise Mari, Founder of Organic Avenue & Author

One of my favorite go-to's in NYC for a bite or juice has always been Organic Avenue.  Hands down, it was well established, innovative and jumping before juices became trendy.  This past year, when hearing the news of the store closings, I was devastated!  Of course, there are other places I could go for a smoothie these days, but this was my spot and I know many NYers who felt the same way.  But guess what?  It's back and Founder, Denise Mari, took the time to share details about the new story openings, veganism and her favorite NYC restaurants.

Eat This for Better Skin

Eat This for Better Skin

You know how they say you are what you eat?  Well, your health and skin are proof.  According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), eating more fruits and vegetables adds nutrients to our diets, and reduces the risks of heart disease, stroke, some cancers, and helps manage body weight. Despite the many health benefits that eating them provide us, they report that 76 percent of the U.S. population doesn’t meet the requirements for fruit intake, while 87 percent don’t meet the requirements for daily vegetable intake. Those missing nutrients often lead to poor health, as well as leave us with skin conditions that could be helped by eating better foods.  Here are some of the fruits and vegetables to reach for in order to achieve healthy skin:

4 Acai Recipes You Need to Try

4 Acai Recipes You Need to Try

Acai berries contain antioxidants, fiber, and heart-healthy fats. They've been dubbed as a superfood for their anti-aging and weight loss properties. You can't go wrong with a traditional acai bowl packed with fruit and granola, however, there are other healthy, delicious recipes that contain acai. Here are some of our favorites:

4 Must-See Food Documentaries

4 Must-See Food Documentaries

Documentaries are underrated. There are so many informative and intriguing documentaries on a plenitude of subject matters that appeal to different interests. If you're interested in the food industry and about healthy eating, there are plenty of important documentaries that you must see. Here are some of our favorites:

A Guide to Food Labels

A Guide to Food Labels

Food labels are not only confusing, but they're also misleading.  I find this particularly annoying when looking at the words "natural" and "organic."  Instead of trying to guide us into a healthier way of eating, they're purely marketing terms without regulation.  Good news is, the FDA is going to start cracking down so stricter guidelines will be in place for labels.  I found this article from National Geographic super helpful and eye opening.  It breaks down exactly what these terms mean (and more) and how to navigate them in the grocery store.