vegetables — Blog — Jeannine Morris


Eat This for Better Skin

Eat This for Better Skin

You know how they say you are what you eat?  Well, your health and skin are proof.  According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), eating more fruits and vegetables adds nutrients to our diets, and reduces the risks of heart disease, stroke, some cancers, and helps manage body weight. Despite the many health benefits that eating them provide us, they report that 76 percent of the U.S. population doesn’t meet the requirements for fruit intake, while 87 percent don’t meet the requirements for daily vegetable intake. Those missing nutrients often lead to poor health, as well as leave us with skin conditions that could be helped by eating better foods.  Here are some of the fruits and vegetables to reach for in order to achieve healthy skin:

Food as Medicine

When I wrote the post, 6 Steps to Healing Yourself, I covered the fact that there were almost 4 billion retail prescriptions filled just last year.  Believe it or not, the way you eat either improves or damages the way your body functions.  I spoke with Dr. Susan Blum of Organic Pharmer, a new health food delivery service, about some of the healthiest ingredients she uses and what they really do for your body.