
A Picture Perfect Smile with Crest in Glamour

Have you gotten your hands on the January issue of Glamour yet?  Check it out!  I'm honored to announce that I'm featured in a Crest advertisement for their 3D White collection!  Yes, the same collection that's also taking up most of the middle cabinet of my vanity.  Check out the rest of the pics from the ad below and details on how you can win a style consultation with yours truly and more.

Contest details: Instagram a pic of your pearly whites using #GlamSmile and tag @glamourscoop and @3DWhite to enter.  The winner will receive a style consultation with me, a wardrobe of white and products from the 3D White collection.


Behind the Scenes with Lady Gaga

The Glamour December issue is always my favorite as it celebrates their "Women of the Year."  This year, Lady Gaga is included and of course, landed their cover.  Here's a behind the scenes video of Gaga at Glamour talking about her new album "ARTPOP," what makes her feel beautiful and why she loves her fans.  I appreciate it, because it's very raw, yet very Gaga.  Enjoy!

Behind the Scenes on A Glamour Photo Shoot for their "Best of You" September Feature

If you follow me on Twitter you may have seen me tweeting behind the scenes pics from a photo shoot for Glamour'September issue last Thursday (yes, they're already working on September shoots).  I was honored to get a sneak peek at their "Best of You" feature, an annual article in partnership with Sally Hansen highlighting four inspirational and powerful women and their non-profit work.  From adopting a neighborhood in Atlanta to making the elderly feel special in nursing homes, each of these women had stories to tell, with one goal in common: raising awareness.  Here's what you'll find in Glamour's Sept. issue: Each September for the past 12 years, Glamour and Sally Hansen seek out women to highlight in the next years issue.  After thousands of submissions, ten finalists are chosen and Glamour readers vote on the final four.

Keela Dates, Executive Director of

Nominated by a board member, Keela only found out about "Best of You"when she was in the top ten. Her trip to Kenya at 22 years-old as a volunteer at a school for orphaned and at-risk children inspired her to create the non-profit.  Currently, the school is K-11 with 45 children living in the orphanage.  In the US, Keela speaks at local schools to educate them about life in developing countries and reminds students about how grateful they should be.  She hopes "Best of You" will hope to raise awareness of Reason2Smile, help her get into more schools to continue the education path and raise funds for developing countries.

Rebecca Stanley, Founder of Blueprint 58

Rebecca was nominated by one of her blog readers and I got to meet her and her husband, perhaps to of the most generous people on the planet.  Inspired by the phrase, "Love thy neighbor as thy self," Rebecca and her husband Adam grew up in Atlanta and realized after working at a summer camp with children who lived just a town over that poverty was just around the corner.  Fast forward a few years after mentoring children from the intercity, with children of their own, they decided to pick up and move to the intercity so they could act as the positive role model in the neighborhood.  Neighborhood children visit after school for games, dinners, homework help, attend Sunday mass with them and are taught about life lessons we take for granted.  They're hoping the "Best of You" feature will help to raise awareness that poverty is right in our backyards.  Here's her blog where you can see photos of her children playing with the neighborhood kids.

Rachel Doyle, Founder of GlamourGals

Meeting all of these inspiring women was such a pleasure, but Rachel's optimistic personality and beauty inspired mission instantly drew me to her.  I have to work with her.  When her grandma passed she began volunteering at senior homes by giving the ladies makeovers and manicures.  Only, her volunteering stint turned into a country wide movement when she founded GlamourGals.  Now, she inspires teen women to build chapters around the country and volunteer a few times a month at a local senior home.  To date, she has 68 chapters in 14 states, but hopes the September issue of Glamour will help raise awareness and get more women involved.

Carrie Severson, Founder of Severson Sisters

Carrie had her mom on the shoot with her, who was as you can imagine so incredibly proud.  After being bullied when she was younger, she found internal peace in her 20's and  gives credit to her creative outlets such as cooking, writing and scrap booking.  Today, she's committed to teaching younger girls how deal with self esteem issues and mentors bully victims, bullies and those who are bullied.

Petra Nemcova & I Partner with Glamour to Introduce A New Way to Shop with Your Smart Phone

Last night I had the honor to cut the ribbon with Petra Nemcova, that unveiled Glamour's Apothecary Wall in the Meat Packing District.  The wall is the first of it's kind in the beauty landscape to introduce a new way to shop for products.  As insane as the experience was, the technology behind the shopping wall is even more mind blowing!

I expected to see a backdrop that looked like a step and repeat for a red carpet, but when the curtain fell after we cut the ribbon, the whole crowd gasped as we revealed a beautifully glowing, almost 3D wall that mimicked the shelves of C. O. Bigelow.  It's gorgeous.  So gorgeous that they need to have a security guard in front of it 24/7 so club-goers don't do anything crazy around it.

You can literally shop the wall with your smartphone.  Seriously, what's next?  It's located right across the street from the Standard Hotel and you can't miss it.  All you have to do is download the free Glamour Friends & Fans app and hover a Snap Tag over a point of purchase on the wall next to the product you want.  It pulls the product up on your phone and all you have to do is click to buy.  So easy!

Petra and I shopped the wall last night before the audience swarmed it and I picked up Elizabeth Arden Prevage, Vaselline, Juicy Couture's Viva La Juicy perfume and some other things along the way.  It's truly an innovation as I know I'm constantly shopping from my iPhone, but this app doesn't even bother you about your password a thousand times.  You just need to plug in your credit card number once and your phone recognizes your card's security number when you plug it in.  I encourage everyone and anyone in NYC to go check it out.  It will be up only until Feb. 20th!

Guilty Pleasures of the Web

5 Fab Facial Cleansers (theluxuryspot) Beauty Looks from the MTV EMA's (bellasugar)

Giveaway Alert: A Leather Jacket (collegecandy)

Thicken Up Thin Strands (makeupdotcom)

City Casual Outfit for Day or Night (glamour)

Karl Lagerfeld Designs Eye Shadow and Nail Polish (allure)

Guilty Pleasures of the Web

Welcome to this weeks edition of link love.  Here's a bit of what I've been checking out on the web. You're welcome for the last one. New Feature: Refinery Reserve – Organic Beauty Fix (refinery29)

20 Easy and Exotic Summer Smoothies (theluxuryspot)

Sneak Peek: Ali Ro Photo Shoot (

10 Alternatives to Water (menshealth)

5 Cool Ways to Wear Gold Eyeshadow (bellasugar)

How To Wear Bright Lipstick (

Ryan Gosling: This is How You Wear A Brown Suit (esquire)

Turn Your Short Story into A Film

Hey BeautySweetSpot readers! I thought I'd share this contest with you that Glamour is doing called Reel Moments. It's a great opportunity for women like you to have a short story turned into a film featuring some of your fave famous actresses. In the past, Jennifer Aniston, Kate Hudson (my fave) and Demi Moore played lead roles in the films that were developed out of Glamour readers short stories and the films were shown at festivals throughout the US.

I personally don't think I have a short story for it, but encourage you to enter! The contest ends this week. Visit to enter and good luck.

Your Suggestions Welcome for Glamour's Young & Posh Network?

So you all know about my involvement with's Young & Posh Network by now as I'm so excited to be a part of it I don't stop talking about it, but have you met the rest of the ladies yet? If you haven't gotten to read their personal blogs or read their content on yet, you may have seen us in the latest issues of Glamour, Teen Vogue or W in the Y&P ad or on the top of NYC taxi cabs, and all over NYC!  It's a full Young & Posh take over!

I really appreciate your support reading my articles and commenting on my posts.  Now I want to know...What do YOU think I should write about for  All suggestions welcome!

Show Some Love on my Posts

Hey BeautySweetSpot readers!  Happy Monday! As you know, I'm contributing to as a member of their Young & Posh network.  (I know, I can't believe it)!  Twice a week I post new articles and would love your feedback on them.

The comments are pouring and I'd love for you to join in the conversation too!

Here's a link to all of my posts to date: Jeannine's Glamour Young & Posh posts.  Please check them out and comment where you have opinions and keep reading!

Thanks a billion!