You're probably still eating Thanksgiving leftovers, but I'm sure some of you are ready to get back on track. Typically, people do cleanses post holidays, but if you dare, check out my 14 day clean eating challenge. Not only will it help you lose weight before the holidays, but it will also set you up to succeed at any cocktail party or dinner this season. Read on for benefits.
5 Trader Joe's Snacks You Need In Your Life
Soul Candy: Kittens
Staying Fit & Healthy on A Cruise
Did you see my Instagram pics from last weekend? I was on a cruise! That's right, Royal Caribbean launched a new ship, Quantum of the Seas, and invited Joe and I to set sail for two nights to check it out. Let me tell you, I've been on Royal Caribbean cruises before with my family, but this ship is a game changer – especially for people like us – who like to indulge on vacation sans the calories. Here's what I mean...
Beauty Memberships Worth Joining
Ingredient Spotlight: Kombucha
I know, you've been seeing kombucha everywhere lately; so here's what all the hype's all about. Health benefits such as detoxification, joint health, digestion and immune boosting properties are helping to fuel the Kombucha trend and popularity. According to Alex Galindez, General Manager of BluePrint®, the carbonated alternative to soda has been in high demand.
Easy Breathing Meditation
Soul Candy: Smile
I'm so excited to be getting submissions for this new feature. Soul Candy is a new series where I want to share your stories! If you notice a random act of kindness, or participate in one yourself, please share your uplifting story with me so I can spread the light. This story came in from a reader who would like to remain anonymous. It actually landed in my inbox when I needed a smile myself.