Hurricane Harvey: How You Can Help

Hurricane Harvey: How You Can Help

The tragedy in Texas has been unbearable to even watch on the news.  Each day that passes, I sit and wish I could be of more help, and even though I've donated, I still feel helpless.  I'm sure if you're reading this, then you feel the same way. Besides the misplaced people and animals, looting is happening and the entire situation seems to be out of control despite all of the relief efforts.  It's going to take a long time for the community to rebuild and get their feet back on the ground. There are many ways you can help through donations and here are the ones that caught my eye.

3 Wellness Lessons I Learned at Canyon Ranch + A Travel Diary

3 Wellness Lessons I Learned at Canyon Ranch + A Travel Diary

Two years ago, I had the opportunity to visit Canyon Ranch in Lenox, Massachusetts for the first time. My best friend, Adrienne, and I found the experience exceeded our expectations and we came back to NYC energized, restored and inspired.  If you follow me or Canyon Ranch on Instagram (I took over their account), then you saw that I had the recent opportunity to go back for round two.  With work out clothes and notebooks, Adrienne and I eagerly hopped in the car.

Help Clear Animal Shelters with NBC

Help Clear Animal Shelters with NBC

If you watch NBC, then you might have already seen the promo commercial I'm hosting about "Clear the Shelters," a campaign where animal shelters across the country will be offering low cost or waived adoption fees on Saturday, August 19th. When the email came in asking me to host and I saw that they wanted me to interview a veterinarian and help promote animal adoption, I was over the moon.  You guys know how I feel about helping animals and hosting with NBC is a career dream.  As an animal activist and supporter of the campaign, I have to fill you guys in on how you can participate.

How to Rid Excuses & Meet Your Goals

How to Rid Excuses & Meet Your Goals

I finally listened to Tony Robbins' podcast and it's just the pick-me-up I need to keep myself in check.  Have you guys listened to it yet?  I'm curious to hear your thoughts. This one was titled, "How to Rid Excuses and Meet Your Goals."  Both my husband, Joe, and I found it informative and inspiring and appreciate the fact that he's a straight shooter.  Here are his three steps to getting out of your own way.

Soul Candy: Hotel Room

Soul Candy: Hotel Room

When I put out a call-to-action on Facebook asking friends and family to share heart warming stories of compassion for my Soul Candy series, I received an overwhelming response.  This one comes from my friend Arlene who lives in Florida and witnessed how one simple gesture could make someone's day.

Real Benefits of Isometric Exercise for Detailed Toning

Real Benefits of Isometric Exercise for Detailed Toning

Throughout my life, I've taken part in various workouts to keep myself fit.  Dancing, cardio kickboxing, spinning, circuit training, yoga, pilates and of course, barre classes were always in the rotation.  There was even a point in time where I obsessed over P90X videos in my own living room.  Since moving to Hoboken, I've been dedicated to yoga and barre classes and find that they work best for my body type.  In Bar Method classes, we don't sweat, we glisten, but the fine-detail toning is thanks to isometric movements.  Here's how it works.  Bye-bye burpees!

5 Healthy Snacks for When You're On The Go

5 Healthy Snacks for When You're On The Go

Summer is in full swing! The days are longer and there's an abundance of sunshine, which makes the perfect recipe for summer adventures. Whether you're lounging in the sand, hiking some trails or just taking a walk on your lunch break, make sure you're setting yourself up for success in the snack department.  After all, we work hard for our summer bodies!  These five vegan-friendly snacks have been our go-tos.

This is A Course in Miracles

This is A Course in Miracles

I recently had the opportunity to hear spiritual teacher, Marianne Williamson speak at the Marble Collegiate Church in NYC and have to tell you, it was the most powerful lecture I've ever heard.  As a follower and fan of hers (her book A Return to Love changed my life) I couldn't wait to see her live.   Her teachings inspire many in hopes that those listening will begin to make a shift in order to create a ripple effect in the world.  Here's the scoop.  It's important.