canyon ranch

4 Steps to Achieving Your Goals

4 Steps to Achieving Your Goals

During my stay at Canyon Ranch a few years ago, I attended a variety of lectures each day and found them all to be incredibly enlightening and motivating.  My favorite was a motivational speech who spoke about creating miracles by a man named Jerry Posner, who was just as entertaining as he was practical.  The fact that it was practical was my favorite part.  I often attend spiritual lectures and appreciate the thinking, but Posner made spiritual teachings a practical practice.  Here are his four ways to create your own miracles.

I Started Eating According to My Dosha Type and Here's What Happened

I Started Eating According to My Dosha Type and Here's What Happened

This summer during a visit to Canyon Ranch, I met with a nutritionist who introduced me to the idea of eating for your dosha type.  As a yogi, I was famliar with my dosha type (Vata-Pitta) and the chacteristics, but never really looked into lifestyle decisions I should be making because of it.  Now, I practice living according to the needs of my dosha type in order to feel my best.  Here's why.

3 Wellness Lessons I Learned at Canyon Ranch + A Travel Diary

3 Wellness Lessons I Learned at Canyon Ranch + A Travel Diary

Two years ago, I had the opportunity to visit Canyon Ranch in Lenox, Massachusetts for the first time. My best friend, Adrienne, and I found the experience exceeded our expectations and we came back to NYC energized, restored and inspired.  If you follow me or Canyon Ranch on Instagram (I took over their account), then you saw that I had the recent opportunity to go back for round two.  With work out clothes and notebooks, Adrienne and I eagerly hopped in the car.

My Week of Wellness at Canyon Ranch

Whether you're looking for a relaxing vacation, to make healthy changes in your life or to do a bit of soul searching, Canyon Ranch is the place to go.  I had the opportunity to visit the prestigious wellness retreat located in Lenox, Massachusetts with my best friend, Adrienne, and couldn't wait to get home and write a review. Now, home in NYC, I'm still glowing and trying my hardest to maintain the positive energy and healthy lifestyle I embraced there the best I can.