Natural Remedies to Fight Seasonal Affective Disorder
According to the Mayo Clinic, SAD - Seasonal Affective Disorder - is a medically recognized form of depression that directly relates to seasonal changes. While we all tend to get a bit sluggish comes mid-January, SAD is more than your average winter blues. Here are ways to regain your spirits with natural remedies.
2016 Wellness Trends Forecast
If you’ve ever wished there was a way to be active at the office, a spa for stressed-out kids, or a taboo-free way of discussing sexual wellness, then you’re not alone. You’re also in luck—these topics are trending, and you’ll hear a lot more about them over the next 12 months. Read on to discover more of what your “Me time” will mean in 2016.
5 Winter Beauty Solutions
Jennifer Lawrence's Golden Globes Skincare Prep
Beauty Challenges to Take on This Year
Breathing Exercises for When You Just Can't Even
Destress Your Skin
There’s a dark side to being a millennial (aged 18-33) or Gen Xer (age 34-47), and the word starts with a big, scary, looming “A.” Anxiety, according to the APA, is at a record high, especially among youth. More than 52% of Millenials report that they've lost sleep in the past month due to stress, and 44% of millenials report stress has made them angry or irritable. Meanwhile, twentysomething celebrities like Demi Lovato and Emma Stone have become the poster children for overcoming an anxiety disorder. We took a look at the how stress and anxiety is affecting your skin.