stress — Blog — Jeannine Morris


Breathing Exercises for When You Just Can't Even

Breathing Exercises for When You Just Can't Even

Need something to help you chill out?  No one wants to be the girl who freaks out when the subway is down or when someone cuts the line during the Sephora lunch-hour rush.  Here are some breathing exercises that'll help you find your zen no matter what the situation. 

Destress Your Skin

Destress Your Skin

There’s a dark side to being a millennial (aged 18-33) or Gen Xer (age 34-47), and the word starts with a big, scary, looming “A.” Anxiety, according to the APA, is at a record high, especially among youth. More than 52% of Millenials report that they've lost sleep in the past month due to stress, and 44% of millenials report stress has made them angry or irritable. Meanwhile, twentysomething celebrities like Demi Lovato and Emma Stone have become the poster children for overcoming an anxiety disorder. We took a look at the how stress and anxiety is affecting your skin.