
The Secret to Better Sex

It’s guaranteed that if you and your partner work out regularly you’re going to have better sex. That’s a no brainer — but let’s explore why getting in shape will take your romp around the bedroom from great to mind blowing: 1. Confidence: Even if you don’t look as toned as Victoria and David Beckham, if you know you’re in great shape for your body type — when the clothes come off, it’s on. There’s nothing worse than being insecure between the sheets. (Ever hear him say, “Can we turn off the lights?”)

2. Stamina: How many miles can you run? Great, then keep going. Who says squats are only for the gym? Sex is a work out. No?...

3. Awareness: Understanding what your body is capable of including likes, dislikes and how strong you are is a big plus when hitting the sack. Can you do a split? Few push ups?

Now get to it! Hit the gym and bring him too! And remember — just one-half hour of love making session can burn between 50 – 100 calories.

Mini-Condoms for Babies & Big Boys with Baby Penises

OMG... where do I start with this one?  A company called The Hotshot thought it would be a smart idea to come out with mini condoms to cover (literally) all of the tweens that were having sex.  Wait... what?  There are way too many things wrong with that sentence.  Here I go... Anyone with a baby d*ck should not be having sex.  And yes, this goes for you 30 year old man who's actually excited these condoms have finally arrived.  Could you imagine a man opening one of these babies in your bed?  Ha!  Wouldn't men or tweens rather purchase regular sized condoms and spare themselves the embarrassment?

"The Hotshot measures 1.7 inches in diameter (as opposed to 2 inches found with regular ones) and 7.4 inches in length,"  the NY Daily News.

Yes, like it or not tweens are having sex.  These condoms are made specifically for penises ages 12-14, however there are nine year olds, (third grade boys and girls), are getting it on. Why are children so horny these days?  Is it parenting?  Media influences?  Is there something in there food making them extra horny?  Or all of the above?  So is it smart to teach tweens about protection and give them "the talk" sooner than ever, yes absolutely, but MINI-condoms?  Ew.

Thoughts please...