
Bloggers Share the Craziest Things That Happened During NY Fashion Week

It's the first day of NYFW and I've been covering backstage since the spring of 2006, which makes this my 13th season attending.  Woah!  That's crazy!  Besides doing our jobs to bring you the news from backstage and front row, my friends and I have experienced some pretty crazy things through out the years.  Here are our top "OMG" moments: I'll kick it off with a story from when I worked at Cosmopolitan magazine.  I was attending the Zac Posen show for the first time.  Zac Posen, my favorite designer.  Being that he's an investor in the line, Diddy (yes, as in Sean Combs) was sitting in the front row.  I couldn't believe that 1. I was at a Zac Posen fashion show at 22 years old and 2. I was there with Diddy. I was obsessed with him.  So what did I do?  I obviously let my 22-year-old self get the best of me and followed Diddy backstage after the show.  I did not belong there!  Zac and friends were popping champagne so I decided to act like I belonged and joined in!  OMG.  I got a pic with my main man, Diddy, who at the time was there with Kim Porter (and preggers w his twins).  Post show I watched him get into his Rolls Royce and allow Kim walk in the rain pregnant to hail a cab.  I lost all respect!

The craziest thing I ever experienced during NYFW would definitely be when I saw L.A.M.B - and it was Gwen Stefani's very first show.  I've been obsessed with all things Gwen since I was 12 years old and getting to see her debut collection at Bryant Park AND having a reserved seat (with my name and all! LOL) was a top 20 highlight of my life. - Jamie Stone,

The craziest thing I've experienced was the party to celebrate Kim Kardashian's spot as beauty editor at OK magazine (it was a short-lived gig). It was a major affair with a ton of beauty execs, editors and bloggers and totally over-the-top, Kim-style. Unfortunately it was at that event that we learned Patrick Swayze passed away, losing his years-long battle with cancer. But the DJ played an amazing line-up of tribute songs to the fallen star including Time Of My Life and everyone celebrated a little Johnny Castle moment in his honor. And no one was in a corner, obviously. - Amber Katz,

I had a pretty typical jam-packed day of 5 shows, an event and somehow decided to post an exclusive editorial during all of this as well, which meant that I had to schedule a phone interview in the midst of the chaos. So, my event obviously ran an hour late and I had missed the phone interview call. I went running down the street to hail a cab (with a coffee in one hand, mind you) jump in and interview a very well-known makeup artist with a cup of coffee between my legs during the most nauseating cab ride I've ever been in while scribbling notes on the back of press sheets from shows and partially on my bare legs. In that moment I realized that fashion week had won. - Rachel Adler,

Even though it was only the first week of my senior year at Barnard, since I was Fashion Assistant at FHM, I somehow managed to score a 2nd row invite to my very first show: Betsey Johnson. As you can imagine, little 21-year-old me was nearly passing out from excitement. (It was one of my first celebrity sightings, too: Kimora Lee Simmons, in all her giantess glory! Seriously, in heels, she's like 7 feet tall.) The dresses were candy-colored tutu confections and the champagne was especially delicious since I'd just turned legal. The memory is bittersweet, however, because for me that show represents a New York City that no longer exists. The location? Tavern on the Green. The date? September 10, 2001. - Nadine Jolie,

I've always been a huge fan of Herve Leger. The bandage style sucks you in and creates curves you never even knew you had! So, I was beyond thrilled when I had the chance to borrow an outfit to wear to Herve Leger's Fall 2012 show. I chose a black and blue dress with neon green piping. When I walked into Lincoln Center I felt a little self-conscious. As much as I adored the dress it was certainly a statement for a daytime show. But backstage I ran into designer Max Azria. He commented on how he loved the color and gave me a kiss on the cheek. It was a major OMG moment. I took my seat smiling from ear to ear. - Sydne Summer,

All kinds of craziness has happened over the years, but the top memorable was the time I covered my first season as a beauty intern at Women's Wear Daily. I was super green around the ears and was told to do backstage beauty interviews. So exciting! I interviewed this one amazing makeup artist who have me all kinds of great quotes and tips. Unsure of her name, I asked her to spell it for verification purposes. She stopped what she was doing, asked me if I was serious, and then grabbed my notebook. In big huge letters she wrote "PAT MCGRATH." I died. Luckily she laughed it off and told me that I had a lot more learning to do if I was going to make it in the industry. Boy was she right! (And yes I still have that piece of paper w/her name on it lol.) - Andrea Arterbery,

Years ago, the very first season I did *anything* remotely fashion week, during the week I went to Robert Verdi's lounge - at a time in history I didn't even know who he was! One of the brands that was sponsoring it that season had done a stupid early  breakfast (and we know how well I handle schlepping from Brooklyn for early AM things) - and I was pre-coffee and somewhat drowsy as I dazedly walked out of the elevator, saw some people I knew on the inside and started to excitedly wave - and then walked FACE FIRST into his glass doors (not realizing there were doors there at all!) - Patrick and Ashley (who at that time I didnt' even know) saw, and had looks of abstract horror on their face as their rushed to open the door (which, was after all, A DOOR0, and let me in, and I had the most unattractive bloody nose EVER - right in the middle of the lounge's kitchen area. Sexy. They were all SUPER nice about it (though I was a complete asshole). - Aly Walansky,


Of Course, Amber and I Had Something to Say... This Time for

During NYFW, Amber Katz of BeautyBloggingJunkie and I filmed a video for RealBeauty commenting on some of the street style trends we caught outside of Lincoln Center.  You know, blunt bangs, faux fur and colored jeans, we had something to say about it all!  Check it out.


Man of the Moment: Justin

Ladies, I'm bring you a man all the way from China!  That's right, "Man of the Moment" just went global.  Meet Justin, a Language Learning Director who currently resides in Shanghai.  I have to thank my friend Amber of BeautyBloggingJunkie for nominating him, because like her blog, he's entertaining yet informative.  Read on – his date prep rant won't disappoint! What’s in your medicine cabinet?

My supplies are suffering at the moment due to the China relocation, but I have been a big fan of Kiehl’s shaving products, especially their camphor infused brushless shaving cream.  Their Eye Alert was a staple for me back when I worked the restaurant circuit in Boston and got few quality sleeping hours.  I’m into after-shave balms with SPF because who isn’t wearing sunscreen these days, maybe guys in Seattle, but the rest of us should.  Razors are strictly Gillette’s current Fusion Pro Glide.  My stock of Aveda’s Pure Performance grooming clay is tapped out until I can hit the Shanghai department store, so I’m surviving on American Crew’s Fiber.  St. Ives Apricot Scrub is a fantastic product.  I’m a light sleeper, so I definitely dig Valerian root or melatonin before bed in lieu of a third glass of wine.  Trader Joe’s chewable melatonin is great.  Nobody wants to look tired.

When prepping to go out on a date what are the three things you make sure you do?

Clean your apartment and I’m not talking folding your clothes and throwing them on the bed.  I mean get down and dirty.  Call me a fan of foreshadowing, but there’s nothing I hate more than getting all the way through the front door to see a disaster.  I don’t care how good she looks in the dress, if her place is a mess that speaks volumes.  Secondly, read something, listen to something, have some fresh content in your mind so that you can hold a conversation for more than five minutes.  If you go as far as David Sedaris and prepare topics on index cards I will laugh at first and then probably congratulate you.  I can’t bear people who rely on spontaneity as their only conversational tool.  Lastly, scout your spots.  Have your preferences and favorites on hand.  I’m no fan of aimless wandering unless I’m in some Parisian fantasy novel and it’s 1928.  I like plans, with people who know the territory.  I like people who know the good menu items, who know an interesting street in their old neighborhood, and who even know some bartender out there that will save a couple seats for us after a film.  Plans and preparation.  Simple.

If you could have one night with any celebrity who would it be and why?  More importantly, what would you do?

If this is a trick question and I’m supposed to choose someone from Esquire’s “Women We Love” column, I’m not falling for it.  Celebrities are people with influence and I’d rather spend a night with people who could change my way of thinking, improve my station, or connect me with something extraordinary.  This is not a beautiful people question, is it?  I’d like to have dinner with Bill Maher or Craig Ferguson and whatever interesting ladies they’re willing to bring along.  At least the conversation will be rowdy.

Jennifer Aniston or Angelina Jolie?  Why?

Jolie’s got content written all over her.  She’s a working mom with political and humanitarian interests along with a husband who also has his hands in some great projects.  Acting, whatever, it’s just her trade.   I’ve said my piece on this.  They’re both very attractive women, but Aniston’s got nothing on tiger mom and her at-home United Nations of a family.

What’s your guiltiest pleasure?

Whole Foods or any abundance of fresh produce and cooking materials gives me a buzz.  Be it a specialty cheese/chocolate shop or a farmer’s market selling basil plants and honey.  I will stop dead in my tracks for ingredients, knives, or a sweet gas range in a shop window.

Follow Me to Sundance!

I'm so excited I don't know where to start!  I leave early tomorrow with my friend and fellow blogger, Amber Katz of BeautyBloggingJunkie, to go to the Sundance Film Festival! We'll be there until Monday gallivanting around the bitter cold in Park City, Utah trying to stay warm while looking chic.  Besides attending film premieres and hitting up some celebrity swag suites, we'll be attending the L'Oreal Paris Women of Vision Awards on Sunday night.

Follow me on Twitter @beautysweetspot for live updates and celeb Twitpics from the festival!