YogaWorks Teacher Training: Week 2

YogaWorks Teacher Training: Week 2

Can you believe I'm already half way through?  In just two weeks, I'll be a 200 hour certified yoga teacher!  Even though the afternoons seemed long, this week actually flew by.  The change of perspective I had towards the end of last week about the training (see week 1 post) really helped me dive in each day and take in as much as I can this week.  I love it and the more I learn, the more I want to teach. 

30 Days to A Healthier You

30 Days to A Healthier You

According to RetailMeNot, close to one in two Americans will be focused on exercising more (47%) in the New Year, while nearly the same amount (44%) will be focused on losing weight. Sound familiar?  Now, how many times have you made that resolution?  How'd it work out for you?

YogaWorks Teacher Training: Week 1

YogaWorks Teacher Training: Week 1

When I signed up for the YogaWorks Intensive Teacher Training with Chrissy Carter, I knew it was going to be like a bootcamp, but I had no idea how much work was really involved.  Four weeks of a 200 hour teacher training, as opposed to a five month period (which is what many do) appealed to me, because like most New Yorkers, I like checking things off of my list and moving forward.  Thanks anxiety.  My intentions going into the training were to put yoga first, but of course still keep up my full time freelance career (pitching, writing, pitching, writing), blog and health coaching homework (I graduate IIN in March).   With those expectations set for myself, I came home three nights this week full of tears.  

Recipe: Yams with Honey & Cinnamon

Recipe: Yams with Honey & Cinnamon

Eager to do more meal prep this year, I've been searching for recipes and testing a few out.  The plan – to cook healthy basics in bulk on Sundays and put together different combinations throughout the week.  Some of my go-tos are quinoa, black beans and sauteed kale.  This week, I made roasted yams with honey and cinnamon. Have a sweet tooth?  This complex carb (the good kind) is more than satisfying!

New Year, Real You

New Year, Real You

Do you know how many times I've written the story, New Year, New You, about how to reinvent yourself and your look?  Ugh.  That headline.  This year, I'm talking New Year, Real You, because you know what, no matter what intentions you set or changes you hope to make now or within 2016, you're still you.  So let's get real.

Looking Back at 2015

Looking Back at 2015

As we anxiously await a fresh start in the new year, I think it's important to reflect and appreciate what 2015 has brought us.  The good, the bad and the truth.  I've been extremely fortunate this year not only for the health and happiness of myself, but also of my family and friends.  It's true.  When you break it down, those two things are everything.  This year has been one of growing, learning and transforming for me.  Here's the most important lesson I learned about myself and this thing called life.

Reflecting on Authenticity & Ethics

Reflecting on Authenticity & Ethics

This past year has been one of transformation: for myself personally and for my work.  It's been almost seven years since I began my blog (first known as BeautySweetSpot) and I'm excited to allow this space to evolve as I grow in my personal life.  But now, the social media game has changed everything and as I continue to try to keep up, there's only so much I'm willing to do to stay on top. As a journalist and fan of authenticity, I can promise you one thing – I will not sell out.