How to Banish Bloating

How to Banish Bloating

Lately, I've had a lot of people and some clients complain about bloating.  Potentially the most uncomfortable feeling in the world!  Thanks to them, I was inspired to give you an idea of the types of foods that cause bloating and a peak at what your diet should look like to help reduce it.

30 Days to A Healthier You

30 Days to A Healthier You

According to RetailMeNot, close to one in two Americans will be focused on exercising more (47%) in the New Year, while nearly the same amount (44%) will be focused on losing weight. Sound familiar?  Now, how many times have you made that resolution?  How'd it work out for you?

Recipe: Yams with Honey & Cinnamon

Recipe: Yams with Honey & Cinnamon

Eager to do more meal prep this year, I've been searching for recipes and testing a few out.  The plan – to cook healthy basics in bulk on Sundays and put together different combinations throughout the week.  Some of my go-tos are quinoa, black beans and sauteed kale.  This week, I made roasted yams with honey and cinnamon. Have a sweet tooth?  This complex carb (the good kind) is more than satisfying!

Dr. Frank Lipman, Founder of the Eleven Eleven Wellness Center

Dr. Frank Lipman, Founder of the Eleven Eleven Wellness Center

I first heard of Dr. Frank Lipman because his PR firm was educating me about a cleanse he created.  Years later, after reading his two books and familiarizing myself with his mission, I'm even a bigger fan than I was before.  As an internist, Dr. Lipman practices what he calls "good medicine" by incorporating an Eastern approach to holistic healing with modern Western medicine at Eleven Eleven Wellness Center in NYC.  As a health coach, he is someone I greatly admire.

Conquering Food Sensitivities

Conquering Food Sensitivities

We're all affected by what we put into our body, but how do you know if you have a food sensitivity? And if you do, how do you pin-point it?  Here, I share my story with food sensitivities and how you can overcome yours and begin looking at food as medicine, too.

What is A Health Coach?

What is A Health Coach?

In one of my recent posts, How I Came Into My Most Authentic Self and Finally Found Peace, I spoke about how I was going to start a Health Coaching practice. Since March, I've been studying nutrition at the Institute for Integrative Nutrition and am at the point in the program now where I can begin taking on clients.  Woo hoo!  I'm excited and eager to help people lead a more balanced, healthier lifestyle. You're probably asking, 'what is a health coach anyway?'  Allow me to explain...