Healthy Snack Ideas — Jeannine Morris

Healthy Snack Ideas

because nom...


How often do you find yourself reaching for a snack mid day?  I'm constantly snacking, but find if I prepare with healthy options, it's OK.  Here are some healthy snack ideas that all come in portion control packages that you can keep in your bag or desk drawer.

Dry Roasted Edamame

With fiber and protein, edamame is a great choice.  My favorite is by Seapoint Farms.

Peanut Butter

Whether smearing it across an apple or simply eating it out of the pack (yes, I do this), peanut butter is high in protein and fiber.  The packs are great, because they aid in portion control.  My favorite are Justins.


With Vitamins A and C, plus calcium, munching on seaweed can satisfy your salt craving.  Opt for seaweed chips over any other and you'll reap the benefits.  Make sure to read the ingredients on the chips you purchase though as different brand can be high in sodium.  Try these by SeaSnax.


With fiber, whole grains and antioxidants, without all of that movie theatre butter, popcorn is a healthy snack.  Not into eating it dry?  I don't blame you.  Instead of butter, drizzle extra virgin olive oil and opt for sea salt over regular. 


Loaded with healthy fats, minerals and Vitamin E, having a handful (23 to be exact) of these nuts will help keep you full until your next meal.  Bonus: They also aid in heart health.