My Experience at the Tony Robbins Unleash The Power Within Seminar

and what you need to know before you go


You might not believe this when I tell you, but I was actually dragged to the Tony Robbins Unleash The Power Within seminar by Joe. Joe’s been a fan of his for a little while now. He frequently listens to his podcast, which he introduced me to, and has read some of his books. While I’m very into self improvement, I originally found Tony to have a bit too much masculine energy for me. As a spiritual person, I always appreciated the tone of people like Gabby Bernstein, Marianne Williamson and Oprah. That’s who I am. That’s who I resonated with and I still do, but now I also appreciate Tony Robbins.

I’m now one of the people who will tell you that if you attend a Tony Robbins seminar with an open mind and positive attitude, it will change your life.

On day one of the four day event, Joe and I were excited but both also very skeptical. We must have had to high-five about twelve Tony Robbins employees before we even walked into the Prudential Center. To be honest, for my state of mind at that time, it was a little much for me. How could everyone be so freaking happy and enthusiastic? Were they on something? As a matter of fact, when Tony came on stage, his happiness and energy made me angry. I wasn’t in a good place. I was focused on my loss and current state of depression, but willing to try anything to feel more like myself again. I went in with an open mind and the positive attitude shortly followed.

The event was like a sober Ultra Music Festival for overachievers. My goal going in was to be brought back to life and I certainly achieved that. I’m not saying I’m healed by any means, but the strategies Tony taught, energy we created in the room (all 12,000 of us together) and time spent on self reflection helped to make me feel more like myself again – alive and full of passion. It wasn’t until about 2pm on day two that it all clicked. I understood Tony Robbins, his mission and got drunk off of his Kool-Aid.

If you don’t already know Tony’s story, I highly suggest you get to know it. It’s incredibly inspiring and has made him the man he is today. Tony told it on day three and while I knew some of it, hearing all of the details from the man himself was shocking and powerful. He lectured on so many topics, but one thing he said that stood out to me the most was this statement based off of his own story,

“Maybe your worst day was your best day and you don’t even know it yet, because you don’t know how to use it.”

That struck me in a way that made me find hope and encouragement.

Going into the event, I didn’t know exactly what to focus on besides feeling better in general, but as the event went on and I got into it, I ended up focusing on my career. I found that fans attend these events over and over to focus on different areas of their lives each time. This workshop definitely helped me take a step back and look at the bigger picture of my career and mission.

Overall, the seminar was immersive and gets a little cult-like, but in the best way possible. (Check out my specific Tony Robbins InstaStory to get a feel for the experience.) We integrated the lessons Tony taught by conditioning our minds, bodies and souls over and over until we were living them. I’m now one of the people who will tell you that if you attend a Tony Robbins seminar with an open mind and positive attitude, it will change your life.

If you’re considering attending a Tony Robbins event for the first time, here’s what you need to know before you go.

  • You need to have an open mind and positive attitude going into it.

  • Tony keeps the room ice cold so dress appropriately. We even wore scarves inside, brought gloves and a blanket.

  • You’re allowed to bring in one closed bottle of water or refillable water bottle and two individually packaged snacks per person.

  • You’re on Tony’s time, which means if the event is supposed to end at 11pm, it’s really going to end at 2am.

  • Bring a pen and notebook. They give you a workbook as well.

  • It’s somewhat of a positive energy cult. Embrace it instead of trying to resist it. Yes, give an extra high-five and embody the energy of your neighbor even if it seems silly.

  • You’ll be jumping and cheering and dancing a lot to keep the energy up so wear a sports bra (seriously) and comfortable shoes.

  • Tony leads two of the four days and his team does the rest in order to help him save his voice.

  • Leave judgement at the door. It’s a safe space and the more into you are, the better results you’ll get.

  • If you’re an entrepreneur like Joe and I, it’s a write off.

  • Yes, it’s worth the money, but only if you have an open mind and commit.