An Ode to Mario Badescu Drying Lotion — Jeannine Morris

An Ode to Mario Badescu Drying Lotion

because they're celebrating 50 years


There's something to be said when I've had a staple in my medicine cabinet for about 10 years. That's right, despite the fact that I try and test everything (especially if it promises to get rid of pimples), I always revert back to this one product – Mario Badescu Drying Lotion.   I'm sure if you haven't already fallen in love with it yourself, you know someone who has.  As the brand celebrates 50 years in business, I felt it was proper to pay tribute to the one product I can't live without.

Formulated with salicylic acid, the spot treatment acts faster on white heads than any other pimple-problem-solver I've used.  i've tried my fair share of acid based and natural acne solutions, and while they all work eventually, this formula works on my skin the quickest.

Recently, during a visit to Mario Badescu in NYC for a facial (see a former review here), I found it interesting to learn that you're not supposed to shake the formula to mix the clear on top with the pink on the bottom.  I've been doing it for years.  It's an automatic reaction before use.  Instead, you're supposed to dip a tightly wound Q-tip straight down into the formula and place it directly onto your blemish.  This way, it goes on an opaque pink (like the mask I mentioned above).  If you shake it, you're diluting the formula and won't see maximum results.

Since it creates a pink mask on top of your skin, the best time to use it is at night. Yes, I've often gone to sleep next to Joe with several Pepto-Bismol pink dots all over my face, but it's worth it when I wake up in the morning.  Almost immediately, my pimples dry up and decrease in size.