
Cat Deely Talks About Her Beauty Regimen, Fitness Philosophy & All She Wants for Christmas

I had the chance to chat with the host of So You Think You Can DanceCat Deely and found out what her makeup routine (or lack there of) is like when she's not on camera.  We also talked about her free-spirited workouts (I personally love her advice there) and what she wants for Christmas.  FYI her dream gift has nothing to do with diamonds.  Read on to find out more. 1. When not hosting “So You Think You Can Dance,” what's your everyday makeup routine like?

There is no routine! I try not to wear make-up when I'm not working. The skin is the largest organ the human body has and it needs to 'breath' as much as possible. But when I do apply make-up it tends to be very light and minimal- Chanel eyelash curler followed by Lancôme mascara. Also, Bobbi Brown concealer, Stila blusher and Clinique Superbalm in Mango. I think heavy make- up is very ageing; a subtle application looks much more youthful and beautiful.

2. What's your #1 beauty must-have and why?

I'm a big fan of a smile! They use less facial muscles than frowns, they make your eyes twinkle and nine times out of ten always get reciprocated! I like to keep a bright, white smile with Crest 3D White 2 Hour Express Whitestrips - they are so convenient, inexpensive and actually give my confidence a lift. I use them in a similar way to a face pack- every once in a while when I’ve been burning the candle at both ends or when I just need a boost.

3. How do you stay in such great shape? Do you have a work out of choice?  Trick?

The trick is to find a form of exercise that 1) Fits into your life and 2) You enjoy. I've tried lots and lots of different work outs in the past, but yoga and hiking are what I like most. I take my dog Lilly on a hike every day, just outside my house, along the canyon. I'm done in 40 minutes, and Lilly gets a walk too! Then I do yoga 3 days a week too- I have a great teacher called Camilla Bergstrom, she mixes up different styles and keeps it interesting.

4. What's on your holiday wish list this year?

Some amazing Monica Vinader jewelry. I love her stacking rings. Also, some L'Occitane home fragrance in fig. But my dream gift would be a piece of art by Harland Miller.

Fitness Confession: I'm A P90X Drop Out and I Think You'll Understand Why

I don't know what happened.  I only lasted three weeks!  Three intense weeks of moving my ottoman from my living room into the hallway of my tiny studio apartment to create enough space for about four tight banana rolls (these redic ab exercises where you lay on the floor and roll in the shape of a banana, yea, those) to kick my own butt in P90X.  It wasn't that it wasn't working, because in those three dedicated weeks I already saw resultes.  So what was my problem?  I became a hermit!

Guys, as you're aware, I work from my studio apartment where I live with my boyfriend and then I also made it my gym.  Live, work, eat, sleep, breath, gym!  I literally never had to leave!  I began talking to Tony Horton more often than I should have...

Therefore, I began incorporating P90X workouts into my lifestyle.  I love going to the gym and working out around motivating people.  I love taking fitness classes from SoulCycle to Cardio Pump and Yoga.  Origionally I said P90X isn't for everyone as it's intense and you need to be dedicated.  I was able to dedicate myself to the series of workouts daily and keep up with the intensity, but the program wasn't for me.  I'm a people person.  I thrive off of life and being around others.  Now, I go about my daily routine and enjoy my gym and classes and do a P90X video here and there on a day I don't feel like going to the gym.  It's a supplement to my regular workouts, not my sole workout.

I still encourage any of you who may be looking to switch up your regimen to invest in the program, but my experience is just something to think about.  It definitely proved results quickly, but if you're anything like me, you may go stir crazy!

Yoga & Vino, More Than A Fun Night with The Girls

This past Sunday I was introduced to a workshop called Yoga & Vino at Katonah Yoga NYC that offered much more than something fun to do on a weekend with your girlfriends. Run by two incredibly talented and passionate people, the Founder of Ki-Power Vinyassa, Isauro Fernandez and Alex Elman of Alex Elman Wines, it's a journey through the senses that encourages people to savior the moment. About 20 of us (Alex Elman included) took part in Isauro Fernandez's one-hour Ki-Power Vinyassa class, which combines the breath concentration and flow of Vinyassa with the intensity of martial arts.  Being the fitness junkie that I am, I really enjoyed the constant movement, challenge and music (who plays Beyonce in yoga?).  We were constantly encouraged to surrender to our breath, which allows for concentration and living in the movement of the moment.

After the yoga class, mind cleared and senses heightened, we all ventured into a studio next door for wine tasting lead by Alex Elman, one of the most passionate and vibrant people I've ever met.  In her late 20's Alex lost her sight due to complications from diabetes, but after watching her in yoga class and talking with her about the wines she curates, sells and makes I realized this is a woman who isn't about to let that stand in her way.  Her manerisims are on point and her knowledge of wine and passion for living life to it's fullest is undeniable.  The wine tasting taught us to allow full sensual experiences to take over.

Isauro and Alex will be teaching more of these workshops around the country.  I'll tweet their whereabouts!

Check out the video of my experience through the Yoga & Wine Workshop and meet Isauro and Alex for yourself!

My First Date with an Epidermologist

Last week I experienced something like never before.  I visited an epidermologist for the first time, Isabelle Bellis, for what I thought was going to be a regular facial.  I was wrong.  She has a truly unique talent. The beginning of the facial was all about connecting your mind and body through breathing, meditation and relaxation.  I laid under a blanket on the facial bed as Isabelle took me through a meditation and massaged my face.  Throughout the facial she used plant based products by Joelle Coicco and the mind and body connection remained a consistent theme.

Isabelle also did lymphatic drainage, which helped to drain toxins from my skin.  The whole idea was to drain toxins from your skin and your mind.  I absolutely loved it.  As a New Yorker who's constantly on the go, it was nice to take the time out and enjoy a beauty treatment and truly relax.  Think yoga mixed with a facial. An hour and a half later I swear I had an out of body experience.

Isabelle Bellis, 60 East 66th St., New York, NY 10065

I'm No Longer A Bikram Yoga Virgin

Last Sunday my boyfriend, Joe and I took our first Bikram Yoga class at Bikram Yoga NYC.  I've always been a fan of yoga, but the thought of doing it in a 105 degree room for an hour and a half just didn't sound appetizing. I may take all different types of gym classes and have a passion for working out, which yes, does involve sweating, but until I experienced Bikram Yoga, I didn't know what sweating was.

In a super crowded room of about 40 people, we aligned our mats and covered them with towels to catch our sweat and went through 26 postures twice each.  The whole experience was bitter sweet.  There were times I couldn't focus on anything but the heat and other times where I was able to concentrate on meditation on the poses.

As a Bikram virgin, I got through it and was just proud that I was able to stay in the room and go through it for the full hour and a half.  As much as I was ready for the class to be over, I sickly can't wait to go back.

Staying Chic at the Gym

Working out is one of my guiltiest pleasures.  I just can’t get enough.  I find that what I wear to the gym tremendously affects the amount of effort I put into my routine.  Despite the fact that I see people breaking a sweat in what seems to be their pajamas, I always wear athletic gear.  Normally, black running shorts or cropped pants with a neon tank.  Dressing the part makes me act the part (plus, why sacrifice fashion for a little bit of sweat)? This Spring, sporty chic is a huge trend that graced the runways of Marni, Celine and Versace.  From athletic inspired watches and wedges to racer striped T’s the trend has gone way beyond the finish line.  As much as I love looking stylish in my athletic gear at the gym, I think I’ll skip out on taking this one to the streets.

What’s your workout style?  Are you into athletic inspired fashion?

Latest Obsession: Heidi Klum for New Balance

Since Heidi Klum is no longer a Victoria's Secret angel, she was able to spread (or should I say shed) her wings and one direction she chose was to work with New Balance in creating an active wear line.  About two weeks ago I was invited to the press preview to check it out and fell in love with some of the pieces.  So who's it for?  The chic yogi. The line consists of a variety of sweat pants, oversized hoodies, T's and ponchos and is super soft, allows for movement and wearable in public (not just in class).  I love going to classes outside my gym like Physique 57 and yoga and these outfits would be perfect because I can walk around the city in them, take the subway and arrive at class with out looking like I'm in gym clothes.  Those classes are the right types of classes for the gear though.  Don't think about taking this line of active wear on the treadmill or to spin class.  Because it's not high-performance, it's definitely made just for certain classes.

Not a fan of classes or working out?  No problem.  How about those days you just want to relax and run a few errands?  We all have them!  My favorites are the Oversized Short Sleeve Hooded Poncho (pictured) and Side Snap Genie Sweat Pant (not to be worn together).  You can shop all of the goods exclusively at