working out

Fitness Confession: I'm A P90X Drop Out and I Think You'll Understand Why

I don't know what happened.  I only lasted three weeks!  Three intense weeks of moving my ottoman from my living room into the hallway of my tiny studio apartment to create enough space for about four tight banana rolls (these redic ab exercises where you lay on the floor and roll in the shape of a banana, yea, those) to kick my own butt in P90X.  It wasn't that it wasn't working, because in those three dedicated weeks I already saw resultes.  So what was my problem?  I became a hermit!

Guys, as you're aware, I work from my studio apartment where I live with my boyfriend and then I also made it my gym.  Live, work, eat, sleep, breath, gym!  I literally never had to leave!  I began talking to Tony Horton more often than I should have...

Therefore, I began incorporating P90X workouts into my lifestyle.  I love going to the gym and working out around motivating people.  I love taking fitness classes from SoulCycle to Cardio Pump and Yoga.  Origionally I said P90X isn't for everyone as it's intense and you need to be dedicated.  I was able to dedicate myself to the series of workouts daily and keep up with the intensity, but the program wasn't for me.  I'm a people person.  I thrive off of life and being around others.  Now, I go about my daily routine and enjoy my gym and classes and do a P90X video here and there on a day I don't feel like going to the gym.  It's a supplement to my regular workouts, not my sole workout.

I still encourage any of you who may be looking to switch up your regimen to invest in the program, but my experience is just something to think about.  It definitely proved results quickly, but if you're anything like me, you may go stir crazy!

Mark Sanchez and I Discuss Grooming, Girls and Guilty Pleasures Over Dinner

Last night, my men's grooming guru (and hot bf), Joe, and I attended a private dinner with Mark Sanchez at Nobu 57 to celebrate the launch of Degree Men Adrenaline Series with Motion Sense Technology.  It was a super intimate setting, Mark brought his brother (who's also his agent) and the food was never ending!  Literally, we had about eight courses.  I had special vegetarian meals and when beef came around Mark would hide it from me!  The hottie Jets Quarter Back and I had some one on-one-time after our meal and I got the scoop on his playlist, dating style and why he cut off those beautiful curls. What's on your workout playlist?

I definitely have some '80's on there, but it depends on who I'm working out with.  If I'm with guys on the team it's Kanye, Jay Z, Lil' Wayne and stuff like that, but if it's me by myself I have the whole '80's gamut.  I just listen to Pandora.

You had gorgeous, curly hair.  Why did you decide to cut it off?

I don't know.  I think it looks more professional.  Not saying that long hair isn't professional, but being clean cut and shaven is a part of my position and my role.  It's also low maintance.  I don't use gel or anything, just a pomade.

Would you consider yourself low maintenance when it comes to grooming?

I'm not too flashy.  If I have extra time I don't want to waste it on my hair.

How did you manage your curls?

I wore a hat.  I didn't wash it everyday, because I heard you weren't supposed to do that.

What do you do to prepare for a date?

Shave.  I shave before anything important.  If I don't shave before a game my dad gets upset.  I want to look clean cut.  I also brush my teeth.  That's about it.

Would you wear a scent?

I like Light Blue by Dolce & Gabbanna.  I like one spray and then I walk through it.  I don't want to smell like an entire truck of cologne just crashed across the street.

What do you look for in a woman?

My mom has to like her.  Someone who's comfortable and understands the kind of lifestyle I have.  Even though we may be in an intimate moment or on a date that someone may want to come up and talk to me about a play.  Someone who understands.

What's your guiltiest pleasure?

Broadway.  I don't think it's a guilty pleasure, but I love going to shows.  I once presented for Memphis at the Tonys when they won for "Best Musical."  That was big.  I love Broadway and this is the best time to see a show.  I've seen almost everything, but there's a couple that I still want to go see.

As you can tell from the interview, Mark was fun and I was really impressed by his level of professionalism.  He even signed footballs and mini helmets for all of us (best gift bag ever!). He's definintely a ladies man though!  He made it a point to place napkins on every woman's lap as she got up and sat down.  No one minded!

Joe's putting the new deodorant/antipersperant to the test.  The new technology releases extra protection when the body is in motion to prevent sweating before it starts.  As you know, he's the type of guy that likes fresh scents, so out of the five options, his favorite is Extreme.  We'll keep you posted on the sweat diaries!  (Hopefully they're non-existent!)

The Skinny on Coconut Water

As of late I can't help but notice that everyone in NYC is drinking coconut water – well everyone at my yoga classes and gym anyway.  Obviously I felt the need to jump on the bandwagon.  If these intense work out people are drinking it, it has to be good.  Right? Wrong!  Good for you maybe, but I almost spit out my first sip.  Yet, I'm still drinking it.  Why?  It's better than Gatorade. The jury is still out on whether coconut water is an ideal option for replenishing lost electrolytes. On the up side, it’s high in potassium; an 11.2 ounce container of Naked Coconut Water provides 650 milligrams of potassium. It also provides calcium and magnesium and a small amount of sodium. Which makes sense, because it's really important to replenish sodium after you’ve been sweating heavily.

When it comes to replenishing your body after a workout, each option has its pros and cons. Personally, I’m still a fan of plain old water.