Schick Quattro for Women

Valentine's Day Dating Advice for Every Situation

Ladies, Valentine's Day is a week away and throughout my life whether I was single or taken I've always enjoyed it.  Call it a Hallmark holiday if you will, but what's wrong with celebrating a little love?  I chatted with Relationship Expert, Andrea Syrtash on behalf of Schick Quattro for Women, to get date night advice for every situation (yes, even for girls night... it's not always about the guys!).   A First Date

Don't go overboard with a fancy and involved first date. I'm a fan of happy hour because there's a defined beginning and an end to the event (with the potential for more) and the atmosphere is generally fun. A three-course-meal is too much pressure (and too much of a time commitment!) for all. Don't go too casual, though and try something like meeting at generic coffee shop one afternoon. Not sexy.

Date Night with Your Long Term BF... Fiance... Husband (whoever!)

Novelty is key! Couples tend to get into routines and go to the same corner restaurant or movie theater on date night. Experiencing new things together will help re-spark romance.

Date Night with Your Girls

Whatever you do, make sure to focus on them for the night and not on what you're missing. Date night with girlfriends will get harder and harder to schedule as time goes on, so enjoy every minute.

Spontaneity Leads to the Unexpected, Bring It On!

It's amazing what you'll discover about yourself when you step out of your comfort zone.  Me – a super detailed, anally organized, to-the-minute type of girl who structures her freelance lifestyle to the T so she doesn't end up tumbling like a rolling stone.  The new me – still a super detailed, anally organized, structured girl who isn't afraid to be spontaneous. This past weekend I went on a press trip to Miami with Schick and the theme of the weekend was "Dare to be Spontaneous."  My "detailed" itinerary for the three day trip left out all activities and times of obligation and only included our flights, hotel and car service information.  I took on the challenge of this go-with-the-flow lifestyle, and packed a few rompers and bikinis.My favorite beauty girls and I didn't know what we were in for and all felt a little uneasy not knowing when we could fit in nap or gym time.  The next thing I knew, I drove a jet ski (never in my life did I ever trust my self to DRIVE anything before, let alone in the ocean), had a massage, a few cocktails and are you ready for this... not only did we sit in a VIP box at a Katy Perry concert, but we had a meet and greet with her too!  The craziest part, Russell Brand decided to interrupt it!

I had to ask Katy Perry about her guiltiest pleasure and her answer – cats!  "I used to think cats were c*nts, but after learning about them I like how you have to gain their respect.  I love having my cat lick my face."

Rules on Being Sexy in Miami

Last week I went to Miami on a press trip with some other fabulous beauty writers for Schick Quattro for Women (yes, the famous razor brand who created the TrimStyle commercial).  The goal of the trip: to stay smooth, shape up and strut our stuff in South Beach.  Now that's my kind of business trip! Staying Smooth - Check.

Upon my arrival at the Delano I was greeted by a slew of Schick razors from Quattro for Women, the TrimStyle and disposables along with Skintimates new Moisturizing Cream Shave (which I'm obsessed with).  I always stole my brother's four blade razor and the Schick Quattro for Women is the only women's razor that compares.

Shaping Up - Check.

The heat was on.  Literally.  Celebrity Trainer, Gina Lombardi, put us...all through a vigurous workout on the roof top of the Delano.  After an intense cardio pump session we were ready to hit the beach.  I have to admit, my stems never looked so hot in stilettos thanks to those squat jumps!

Strutting Our Stuff - Check.

From pool side to the club we were ready.  Check out photos of the beauty girls and Schick team strutting our stuff on Facebook.