celebrity trainer

How to Get Victoria Beckham's Sexy Arms

Besides the fact that Victoria Beckham looks like a stick figure, she also has a lot of muscle definition and according to her trainer, Ronald Jean of The Sports Club/LA, Miss Beckham works really hard to keep her form.  I was exhausted just thinking about everything he puts her though. Warning – You may need an energy drink after you hear this... Besides keeping a tight diet of eating small portions, avoiding high fat and sugary foods, Beckham participates in different types of cardio routines combined with an intense variety of weight training to tone her arms.  "You need to vary your cardio exercise and duration so your body doesn't adapt to it," Jean remarked.

Instead of just hitting the treadmill for endless miles, she rotates between kickboxing (which is a great cardio exercise that combines resistance training) and plyometrics (jumping rope then throwing around a medicine ball repeatedly).  And as if that's not enough – overhead triceps, bicep curls, triceps kickbacks and pushdowns are a must with a resistance band or dumbbell.  Beckham normally does three to four sets of 15-20 reps each.

I guess when you're married to one of the hottest men in the world the pressure's on!  Never mind the red carpet.  Damn – and she used to be a puffy Spice Girl!  (NOTE: I definitely think Miss Beckham is way to thin, but we can all use some definition in our arms)!

Rules on Being Sexy in Miami

Last week I went to Miami on a press trip with some other fabulous beauty writers for Schick Quattro for Women (yes, the famous razor brand who created the TrimStyle commercial).  The goal of the trip: to stay smooth, shape up and strut our stuff in South Beach.  Now that's my kind of business trip! Staying Smooth - Check.

Upon my arrival at the Delano I was greeted by a slew of Schick razors from Quattro for Women, the TrimStyle and disposables along with Skintimates new Moisturizing Cream Shave (which I'm obsessed with).  I always stole my brother's four blade razor and the Schick Quattro for Women is the only women's razor that compares.

Shaping Up - Check.

The heat was on.  Literally.  Celebrity Trainer, Gina Lombardi, put us...all through a vigurous workout on the roof top of the Delano.  After an intense cardio pump session we were ready to hit the beach.  I have to admit, my stems never looked so hot in stilettos thanks to those squat jumps!

Strutting Our Stuff - Check.

From pool side to the club we were ready.  Check out photos of the beauty girls and Schick team strutting our stuff on Facebook.

Deadline: Miami

I have exactly five weeks until my plane touches down in South Beach and guess what?  I'm taking you along on the journey through fitness with me.  Five weeks is just enough time to make sure I'm looking right in a bikini.  God knows I would never go to Miami with flab!  And who knows... maybe my posts will encourage you to start moving too! My silky, smooth legs and I will be joining the Schick team on a mini vaca in mid July and you know since the razor brand is all about being hair free everywhere (come on, you've seen the TrimStyle commercials) I'm sure we'll all be in the tiniest bikinis!  However, I'm not fretting (yet), because they enlisted Celebrity Trainer Gina Lombardi to be our trainers for the next month (well, virtual trainers).

My first goal: to get a pedometer.  Even though I work out on the regular, I think I'll listen to her here.  Seeing my steps in numbers may encourage me to keep going and help challenge me  to take my run a bit further.

"If you're looking for weight loss your goal should be a minimum of 10,000 steps, but if you're on a tight deadline, increase it to 15,000," she commented.

So here I go, I'm considering five weeks a tight deadline and being that I live in NYC I may even be able to do 20,000!  We'll see... I've also began reading her book "Deadline Fitness."  Wish me luck!