Allow them to be an inspiration to us all!
When I rebranded and launched Joyfully Me, I thought deeply about the content I've been creating and my mission for the platform. After all, having an audience is a responsibility and I wanted to make sure I was using mine to the best of my ability. Throughout the content, you'll find what brings me joy and I hope it acts as moments of pick-me-ups and inspiration for you, too. Here, I interview some of the women I most admire in the wellness community. From Mallika Chopra to my favorite yoga teachers, meditation gurus, authors and athletes, they all dish on what brings them joy. Enjoy!
“Teaching sparks joy in my life! Fostering curiosity, demystifying concepts, and then watching my students light up when they come to a deeper understanding of their practice is, for me, everything. To watch them move boldly and vulnerably towards their own truth is deeply inspiring. In so many ways, my students are my teachers. No matter how I’m feel or what I’m going through, teaching always brings me joy.”
Chrissy Carter, Yoga Educator, Blogger, and Founder of H(OM)E®
“I derive joy from being in service to others, whether it’s providing safe space for people to learn to sit with themselves, lending an ear if someone needs to be heard or offering counsel (only when explicitly asked). There is no greater honor than supporting someone’s growth and evolution as a human being. Witnessing consciousness work is my jam. Eating chocolate is a close second. Dancing, a third. ”
Ellie Burrows, Co-Founder and CEO of MNDFL
Jillian Pransky, author of Deep Listening, international presenter and mindfulness and yoga expert
“I loved having the opportunity to contemplate what brings me joy — as it instantly evoked expansive feelings. What popped into my head first for ‘unfettered joy’ was Sunday. I admit, before I got my puppy Sunday, in 2011, I was not a real dog person. But now, I am ‘one of those people’. Just thinking of him makes my shoulders drop and a smile spread across my face. A few other things that stir my joy in an unconditional and medicinal way... Walking in the woods, watching the sun rise and set, and being in nature in general. Perfectly ripe avocados and mangos. Sipping really good (dark roast) coffee with a good friend. Most meals at Kripalu. Dancing (especially with my childhood bestie Nicole). Doing the Hora (a traditional jewish dance) at a family gathering. And, doing the Limbo! Lastly, being the mom of an artistic and independent minded 14 year old boy and the wife of an awesome, funny, supportive man keeps me returning to my joy and gratitude over and over.”
“Cuddling up with my daughters and husband on a weekend night and watching a Bollywood movie gives me the utmost joy. We’ve had this tradition since they were babies, and I feel so lucky that my teenage girls will still indulge their parents now and then. Sometimes I want to freeze time because I feel so full while we laugh and cry together at the storylines we now know by heart. Joy, for me, comes from meaningful moments with people I love - my girls, my husband, my family and a small group of friends. More and more, I cherish the deep relationships that give my life meaning and purpose.”
Mallika Chopra, CEO of & Author of Living With Intent
“Dance has been a huge influence on my life and I couldn’t imagine life without it. Dance brings me so much joy and when I dance, I can freely express myself and live in the moment. No matter what is going on in my life, good or bad, everything goes away when I dance and I can escape to the music and movement. Although, ballet can take a huge toll on my body, self-care has become a huge priority. Little things like taking hot baths, getting massages, treating myself to a pedicure and manicure also bring me much joy and help my body rest and recover. It is important to put my well being first and I can take much pleasure in the small things in life.”
Alison Stroming, Professional Dancer
“I find so much joy in a fridge that is clean and full, a freshly cleaned house, a nap that you don’t have to set an alarm for, and at this time of year any shot of the sun and a really good spray tan. I guess if I look at the root of any of these everyday things that give me joy, the foundation is completion. Things being organized and completed so that I can continue on with my day.
As for the big guys - the shake your soul, can’t stop smiling type joys - it comes down to three things: seeing people finally believe in themselves, adventures, and my family. I am lucky enough that by teaching fitness full time I get to see people literally drop their doubts and trust their bodies and their courage pretty frequently. I get to see them start to feel confidence via a physical platform that magically carries into other aspects of their lives. I also love adventure and anything that breaks the idea of a routine. Last, but absolutely not least is my family, including the little one of my own, the own I grew up in, and the one that I have chosen to be part of. ”