Elle Macpherson, Supermodel & Actress — Jeannine Morris

Elle Macpherson, Supermodel & Actress

on her food diary, beauty favorites and favorite vacation spots


Supermodel, Elle Macpherson has graced the cover of Sports Illustrated five times through out her career. Known as "The Body," here, she shares a peek into her food diary and fitness regimen.

If you were to start each morning with an intention, what would it be?

To put love into everything I do.


Name your top five beauty must haves and why you love each.

THE SUPER ELIXIRTM Alkalizing Greens - your skin will develop the talked about 'Alkaline Glow.'

Bobbi Brown Brow Pencils - perfectly matched shades and soft texture.

Crème de la Mer   Moisturizer - luxurious feel and hydration

Lucus’ Pawpaw Ointment  - great as lip balm, cuticle oil and all around healing

Dr. Sebagh Rose Serum  - for intense hydration 

You’ve had an incredible modeling career!  What piece of advice do you have for aspiring models today?

Look after your spirit – stay well nourished and strong. Learn as much as you can and make the most of every opportunity.  Appreciate the people around you, at the end of the day it is all about teamwork.

What’s the best piece of advice you’ve ever gotten and who was it from?

I was lucky in my early career to be surrounded by clever people, and I learned a lot along the way from them all. There weren’t many models at that time who were starting their own businesses so I did have to do lot of learning on my own too. I look up to wonderful entrepreneurial women like Diane Von Furstenberg, and of course my WelleCo business partner Andrea Bux (who started Invisible Zinc and Australian Style).  Best advice – Drink water (3 litres a day).

Let’s talk about working out.  What’s your fitness regimen like today?

I don’t believe in fad diets or excessive exercise plans.  I keep it simple and so it is easier to stick to – as a general rule I do 45 minutes of sport a day. I was recently in the Maldives with my family and we spent the day doing fun activities – paddle boarding, bike rides, jet surfing were highlights.  This, in combination with 45 minutes of quiet time a day and good nutrition! 

Do you follow any special diet or lifestyle when it comes to food?

I am not about extremes or fad dieting. Modern life, processed food, everyday incidental toxic overload, meant I needed to supplement by natural diet. I think a lot of people feel the same. Our Alkalising Greens were formulated by world leading nutritional experts – 45 wholefood ingredients containing vitamins, minerals, probiotics, Chinese herbs to boost nutrition and keep your body in an alkaline range.

I am a firm believer in the profound effects of good nutrition. For me ‘living alkaline’ is nothing extreme, but all about balance and eating whole foods and predominately a plant based diet.

If you were to keep a food diary for a day, what would be in it?

I start the day with half to a litre of water at room temperature and add lemon if on hand. If I have time for breakfast, some fruit or a warm apple compote and add some flax seeds, blueberries, raspberries, almonds and chia seeds. I do love my coffee so I have two espressos, but it’s always important not to have them on an empty stomach. 

Mid morning, I have two teaspoons of THE SUPER ELIXIRTM - my alkalizing green powder - in cold coconut water and perhaps a banana if I have had a light breakfast. Lunchtime could be something like a warm salad with goats cheese, beetroot, avocado, squash, kale…whatever I can find. 

In the afternoon, for a clean source of protein I will make a Chocolate Nourishing Protein smoothie with almond milk. This gives me my protein intake for the day and curbs any mid afternoon cravings. Other snacks could include almonds or seeds and for dinner I have a piece of chicken and fish with vegetables. I also have quinoa, barley, lentils…I try to choose a protein legume in one meal and an animal protein in another. 

Being that you’ve traveled the world, what are your favorite spots to vacation? 

I love to travel so everywhere! Places close to my heart are the coastline of Australia and the Bahamas – both are laid back with lots of activities.

How do you relax when you have time to unwind?

Life is busy at the moment but I wouldn’t have it any other way. I make sure I always have time with no screens. I enjoy waking up early before the house wakes to have some quiet time and write down goals for the day.

Beauty is _______.

On the inside – strength, health, confidence, love, compassion and inner peace.