Fit Test: Bar Method — Jeannine Morris

Fit Test: Bar Method


Bar Method opened in Hoboken, so as you can imagine I've been diligently practicing my tucks and pulses.  As someone who's taken barre classes on and off for years now all over the city, I've found that while they all share common goals, each company has their own strengths.  With Bar Method, the super tiny movements and breathing exercises have already begun proving their effectiveness by sculpting and carving out my muscles just the way I want them.  Yes, I know change doesn't happen over night, but we're moving in the right direction here.


The new Bar Method in Hoboken is gorgeous – two big, well-lit studios carpeted from wall to wall, surrounded by floor to ceiling mirrors and windows.  Being that many of the fitness classes I take are in NYC, I'm not used to working out  in such spacious places.  Owners, Melissa Opsahi and Lucia Almeida-Oliveira set the tone for a positive, yet tough experience each time you walk in.  

I appreciate that an ample amount of time is spent on each movement so we can focus on doing them correctly for maximum results.  Some of the other bar classes I've taken fly through the tiny movements, which is great for cardio, but not so great for ballerina inspired perfection.  Form is by far the number one priority at Bar Method and the teachers aren't afraid to correct you.  I love taking on new challenges, especially when it comes to fitness, so concentrating on form gives my mind a break from work and has become a new passion.

Here's the breakdown by numbers:


dollars for a single class


dollars for an unlimited monthly membership


hour of class


the average amount of times my legs shake 


the average amount of times I need to close my eyes to get through a full exercise


pounds - the heaviest amout of weight I lift


the average amount of people in each class


the average amount of guys


the magic number of tucks, pulses and squeezes we have left to do when we're "near a finish line"

the average number of times per week I take class