Summer Reading — Jeannine Morris

Summer Reading


I love catching up on books I've been meaning to read over the summer.  For the most part, I enjoy non-fiction, informational books about business or spirituality.  Turns out, my summer reading list is full of books written by power women.  Looking for inspiration as you lay on the beach this summer?  I got you covered.


Living with Intent by Mallika Chopra

From the daughter of Deepak Chopra comes Living with Intent, a "somewhat messy journey to purpose, peace and joy."  


Leave Your Mark by Aliza Licht

DKNY PR Girl, Aliza Licht, writes Leave Your Mark, covering everything from how to land your dream job to social media branding.  


Thrive by Arianna Huffington 

The Huffington Post's, Arianna Huffington, redefines success in her latest, Thrive.  After all, what does it mean to be successful in this day in age?