The Next Big Thing in Skincare: Probiotics — Jeannine Morris

The Next Big Thing in Skincare: Probiotics


When at a dermatology luncheon last month the theme of probiotic infused skincare was prevelant.  Now as a healthcare junkie and skincare enthusiast, this immediately piqued my interest.  If you're affected by acne, rosacea or eczema, then listen up, because this is for you.  I turned to NJ Dermatologist, Dr. Adriana Lombardi, for the scoop.

What do probiotics do for the body from the inside out? 

Probiotics, when taken orally, help to repair the normal digestive lining by replenishing “good”  bacteria. Inflammation is decreased both in the GI system and throughout the entire body. 

Probiotics in skincare is the hottest new thing. How can they help the skin topically?

Studies have shown that topical probiotics not only can help with acne, eczema and rosacea, but they recently have also been proven to decrease wrinkles, prevent sun damage as well as restore moisture in the skin. 

What should we look for in ingredient labels if were looking for skincare with probiotics? 

Probiotics that have proven beneficial through various studies include: strep thermophiles, strep salivarius, bifdobacterium longum, enterococcus faecalis, lactobacillus reuteri and lactobacillus plantarum. Look for these ingredients when buying a topical probiotic. 

Who should use skincare infused with probiotics?

Those with inflammatory skin conditions such as acne, rosacea and eczema would do especially well including probiotics in their treatment plan.  Now that topical probiotics have been shown to have anti-aging properties I anticipate that in time they will be incorporated into most daily skin care regimens. 

Who wouldn’t benefit from it?

Using topical probiotics should not cause harm to the skin. They restore the normal bacteria on the skin thereby decreasing inflammation, moisturizing and protecting the skin .  


Ready to jump on the bandwagon? 

Check out My Body Skincare, a new, innovative line infused with probiotics to fight aging, acne and inflammation.