cosmetic surgery

Cosmetic Surgery: Nips & Tucks by State

Cosmetic surgery in the United States is so common today that 18–year–old girls are getting breast implants from their parents as high school graduation gifts.  It’s almost as if these parents are saying, “Welcome to the real world honey.” The top five cosmetic surgical procedures done in 2009 were breast augmentation followed by liposuction, eyelid surgery, rhinoplasty and tummy tucks.  However, according to Women’s Health – geography plays a part as to what form of nip and tuck women had done.

New Yorkers mostly willingly go under the knife for nose jobs, whereas those who live in Miami get the more breast lifts performed.  Chicago natives take to lumineers, while Dallas and Boston residents often get hair transplants. The women of Seattle are known to get the full “mommy makeover” (tummy tucks plus some added enhancement) and finishing off the list — not surprisingly –- Los Angeles natives get the most dysport (a botox alternative) injections.

It's funny how your surroundings will dictate cosmetic surgery pressures.  I never thought about it in this way, but it makes sense.  What do you think?

Cosmetic Surgery Report and Rant

Ever think about what you'd look like with a smaller nose, more defined cheek bones or plumper lips?  How about thinner thighs?  Yea, you thought of that... who hasn't? Despite the downfall in the economy, the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery reports that the demand for plastic surgery procedures in 2009 only fell 2% with liposuction and rhinoplasty being the top two.  It seems no matter what the cost, people are willing to put their money where they believe their imperfections are.  As a matter of fact, Americans spent over $10.5 billion on cosmetic surgery procedures throughout the year.

Heidi Montag probably contributed about $1 billion herself.  The Hollywood effect is taking place and it's all trickling down.  E! recently reported that now a days, getting breast implants or a nose job is almost like a right of passage for girls on their 18th birthdays.  I am by no means against cosmetic surgery (everyone needs a little nip and tuck sometimes), but some allow it to get out of hand.

There's actually a site called where you can upload your photo, address all of your facial concerns (even having your ears pinned back), and get a free consultation from a plastic surgeon.  Wait, it gets better... then, like American Idol, (yes, a reality show), America gets to vote on whether or not you should go through with your surgery!

Share! What are your thoughts on cosmetic surgery?