
Women are Sexiest at Age 31

Confidence is sexy.  There’s no denying that, but research has proven that the confidence level of women at different ages can make or break their attractiveness. According to a study, women are most attractive at 31 years-old.  Why?  Because once they get just past the big 3-0, women mature more, rid their insecurities, are well established, still youthful and more confident than ever.  Ever hear of being grown and sexy?  A-listers like Claire Danes, Jennifer Love Hewitt and Kate Hudson prove the study to be true.

With cougars being the term used to describe women 40+ who showcase sexiness and confidence, of course researchers have named the 31-year old set: puma is the term they use.  Pumas  take good care of themselves physically and mentally whether in a relationship or not.  In a survey of 2,000 men and women, 70 percent agreed that confidence was the key factor of attractiveness followed by physical beauty and sense of style.

I'm not a puma yet, but at least I know I have something to look forward to!  What do you think?  Do you agree?