Women's Health

Cosmetic Surgery: Nips & Tucks by State

Cosmetic surgery in the United States is so common today that 18–year–old girls are getting breast implants from their parents as high school graduation gifts.  It’s almost as if these parents are saying, “Welcome to the real world honey.” The top five cosmetic surgical procedures done in 2009 were breast augmentation followed by liposuction, eyelid surgery, rhinoplasty and tummy tucks.  However, according to Women’s Health – geography plays a part as to what form of nip and tuck women had done.

New Yorkers mostly willingly go under the knife for nose jobs, whereas those who live in Miami get the more breast lifts performed.  Chicago natives take to lumineers, while Dallas and Boston residents often get hair transplants. The women of Seattle are known to get the full “mommy makeover” (tummy tucks plus some added enhancement) and finishing off the list — not surprisingly –- Los Angeles natives get the most dysport (a botox alternative) injections.

It's funny how your surroundings will dictate cosmetic surgery pressures.  I never thought about it in this way, but it makes sense.  What do you think?

VIP Pass to the Industry: Women's Health

To kick off "VIP Pass to the Industry" in 2011 allow me to introduce you to Jill Percia, the Associate Beauty Editor of Women's Health.  Jill formerly wrote for CosmoGirl and took a step into PR before landing the job at Women's Health in October.  Check out what she has to say about her job and advice she has to give for those of you who want to get in. 1. What college did you go to and what did you major in?

I went to Fordham University and majored in Communications/Media Studies.

2. How did you land your first job edit?

I got my foot in the door by having an internship at CosmoGirl during my senior year of college. I first interned in reader services and spent the second semester in the beauty department – and fell in love! After graduation, I applied for (and got!) a reader services editor position there. I also assisted the editor-in-chief before finally snagging the assistant beauty and fitness editor spot almost three years later.

3. What’s a typical day like for you?

Crazy! In no particular order, a typical day will consist of: writing my stories, attending beauty launches around the city, opening countless packages filled with new products, testing said products, meeting with publicists for desksides, interviewing the most talented hairstylists, makeup artists, and derms in the biz, and brainstorming and researching ideas for future issues. There’s never a dull moment.

4. What’s your favorite part of your job?

I love the networking. Being around smart people who are passionate about beauty can be really inspiring. And I love being a part of a publication that empowers women to be strong and confident in so many aspects of their lives. And I’ll never complain about copious amounts of fragrance and lip gloss! It’s true what they say – if you love what you do, it’s never feels like work.

5. What’s your least favorite?

Deadlines can be tough, especially during a busy event week. There are days I’m out of the office more hours than I’m in!

6. What’s the best advice you would give someone trying to get into the industry today?

Get an internship and do a great job (competition is fierce!). Doing so will give you valuable experience and help you decide if working at a magazine is your thing. And go the extra mile because people will notice. Never underestimate the power of a handwritten thank-you note! And just remember that everyone knows everyone in this industry, so make (and keep) as many connections as you can.

7. Confess! What’s your biggest beauty sin?

Sometimes, I sleep with my eye makeup still on. Even though it’s out of pure laziness and I’ll probably wake up with an eye infection one day (eek), there’s a silver lining: I wake up with sexy, smudged eyeliner! Hopefully, my ophthalmologist isn’t reading this.

8. What’s your guiltiest pleasure?

There is nothing better than sitting on the couch on Sunday afternoon (a plus if it’s raining or snowing) watching Keeping Up With The Kardashians and eating Fat-free Reddi Wip. I put it on everything from rice cakes to pretzels and even apples. I always knew this was kind of weird, but it looks super gross in writing. Oh, well!

Look Better Naked Without Giving Up Booze

Are you a victim of  trying any fad weight loss diet or swearing by those diet books filled with empty weight loss promises and unrealistic diet plans. (Give up booze forever? Let's get real.) Even if you follow one for several weeks and manage to loose a few pounds, as soon as you go back to "living" you're back to your normal self. Well, I have news for you, there's a new book on the market that will transform your figure in just six week (yes, just in time for bikini season) and it's not like the rest. Editor-In-Chief of Women's Health, Michele Promaulayko, (who's always been in fab shape), just launched Look Better Naked! The 6-Week Plan to Your Leanest Hottest Body-Ever. It's the most motivating get-in-shape book I've seen in years because it's realistic (and believe me, I read a lot of them because I'm health and fitness obsessed).

It includes a diet and fitness plan that allows for two glasses of wine per week or Michele's Look Better Naked signature cocktail, which is vodka, St. Germain, lime juice and seltzer garnished with mint leaves.  (For exact proportions you'll have to get the book!)

Crazy fact, 77% of women say that they're highly motivated to look better naked.  What the heck is wrong with the other 33%?  They're either Brazillian (already perfect) or just lazy!  Are you ready for the six week challenge?  It's totally doable and won't interfere with your social life.  Snatch Michele's slimming, tightening and toning secrets here.