Recipe: Black Bean Brownies

Recipe: Black Bean Brownies

Last week, my Sister-in-Law, Elizabeth, surprised me by making me the best brownies I've ever had.  Being vegan and gluten free with a serious sweet tooth, she knew just how to cheer me up after a rough week.  They're fudgey and practically melt in your mouth.  Seriously, covet this recipe.

Must Have: IntelliRoll

Must Have: IntelliRoll

If you've been following my blog or Instagram for a while now, then you know I'm obsessed with working out (in a good way).  While I'm most loyal to Bar Method classes and practicing yoga, I'm always up for a FlyWheel or SLT class.  Lately, I've been attempting (key word) to run and it's left me incredibly sore – everywhere.  When the IntelliRoll ended up on my doorstep, I knew I had a new best friend.

New Series: Soul Candy

New Series: Soul Candy

As someone who's always trying to see the world through a compassionate, optimistic lens, I'm excited to start a new series showcasing random acts of kindness featuring heart warming stories that show the love and kindness in the world.  I don't know about you, but I despise watching the news.  The mainstream media typically likes to exaggerate and exhaust any story that showcases sadness, violence and horror just to get people to tune in for ratings.  It's sickening. Living in a world of terror, it's important to remember, that we're also still living in a world of love.  I invite you, my readers, to also submit your random acts of kindness stories via email as I'd love to spread the word!  

Recipe: Healthy Guacamole

Recipe: Healthy Guacamole

Whenever Joe and I attend a party, I always bring guac.  One, because it's healthy and two, because it's the only app I know how to make.  I've been playing with different recipes and used to blend it in my Ninja, but have been smashing it instead and like the consistency better.  Here's my super healthy guac recipe.  Enjoy!

A Rude Awakening in Italy

A Rude Awakening in Italy

On a recent trip to Italy with Joe, we encountered something that I had to talk about.  Of course, I planned on coming home to write a blog post on my travel beauty must-haves (like this one), but never imagined witnessing something that affected me so deeply I haven't stopped thinking about it.  It's not sitting well with me, and while I can't do much about the situation, I can raise awareness and try.  So here you go...

15 Tips for Better Sleep

15 Tips for Better Sleep

It’s estimated that about 70 million Americans suffer from sleep deprivation and I hate to tell you this, but I'm luckily not one of them.  Sleep to me, is a priority.  I literally can't function without a minimum of eight hours and sometimes allow myself ten.  However, if you're someone who has trouble sleeping, here are some tips for better sleep.