vision board — Blog — Jeannine Morris

vision board

How to Create A Vision Board (and Why You Should!)

How to Create A Vision Board (and Why You Should!)

When I first went freelance back in 2009, a mentor of mine invited me to a vision boarding workshop. At the time, I thought the idea was a little “out there,” but I wanted to be a successful entrepreneur and admired her so I went. Fast forward to today and I create or update my vision boards several times per year. Here are some strategic ways to create a vision board in order to accomplish your goals.

The Power of Manifestation

The Power of Manifestation

Ever since I read the book The Secret years ago, I've been manifesting everything and it's worked.   The book is all about the law of attraction and how what you put out into the universe, the universe will give back.  Well guess what, it truly works and here's how to create a clear vision of your goals and make them happen.